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Mozambique – Flash Report 8 New Displacement in Gondola and Mutundiri IOM/INGC Rapid Assessment (20 - 22 September 2020)


An increase in violent attacks in areas of the Gondola district of Manica, and Chibabava and Buzi districts of Sofala, triggered population movements within the provinces. DTM rapid assessments conducted in the displacement locations between the 20 - 22 September 2020 identified an estimated 7,780 displaced individuals (1,507 households). Confirming the above, interviewed community leaders and key informants attributed the population movements to the recent increase in attacks and the subsequent fear of insecurity in the aforementioned areas.

The main places of origin of identified IDPs are: 1) Mussequessa village, Towa farm and Towa Maguitare, located in Muda Seracao locality, Inchope posto, Gondola district, Manica province; and 2) Chizizira, Marrungamisse 1 & 2, Makambine, Massane and Mbereaiziqui villages, located in Grudja locality, Buzi district, Sofala province.

IDPs currently reside in eight locations: Mutindiri 1 (569 HH or 2,845 ind.), Mutindiri 2/Mbereaizique (183 HH or 915 ind.), Mussequesa (382 HH or 1,883 ind.), Mazicuera/Bela Vista (311 HH or 1,779 ind.) Camfupe-Sede (4 HH or 20 ind.), Muda Serracao (35 HH or 175 ind.), Chibuto 2 (19 HH or 134 ind.) and Inchope-sede (4 HH or 30 ind.). Most of the IDPs are living in make-shift shelters in camp-like settings, while others are living with host families in host communities.

The top humanitarian needs identied include: food items, WASH, shelter, non-food Items (NFIs) (clothes, kitchen utensils, and sleeping articles) and health. According to interviewed key informants, 525 displaced households residing in Mutindiri received assistance from the Provincial authorities and the INGC in the form of 2 blankets, 30 kgs of rice, and 6 kgs of beans per household. In Mussequessa, the local government authority distributed hoes and machetes, face masks, 100 bags of mealie-meal (10kg per family) among the IDPs. A newly constructed water borehole was also handed-over to the IDPs. In Maziquera/Bela Vista, INGC distributed food items and agricultural inputs such as hoes and machetes among the IDPs.