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Mozambique: FH Orchestrates Multi-Agency Relief Effort

Food for the Hungry (FH) is helping thousands rebuild their lives after flooding in Mozambique ruined homes and livelihoods.

The government of Mozambique estimates that torrential rains and floods affected 1.2 million people. 650,000 are housed in more than 90 temporary camps throughout the flooded provinces.

FH is the lead agency working in three camps in Inhambane Province that are home to more than 5,000 people. In the coming weeks FH will turn its attention to helping the 36,000 families living in Sofala Province, where the organization has worked since 1988 with long-term development projects.

Agricultural assistance is particularly critical in the next few weeks, since the planting season begins in April.

Last year was the first year since their 16-year civil war ended that Mozambique had recovered enough of its infrastructure to feed its people. The recent floods have destroyed that capability.

As part of its $1.5 million relief and rehabilitation effort, FH will provide seeds and replacement farm tools so that families can have a harvest of maize, beans and garden vegetables in a few short months. FH will also work to provide temporary shelter until people can rebuild homes, along with replacement household utensils. Each agricultural or household assistance packet will cost approximately US $30 (you purchase one or more of these kits for a Mozambican family).

People in the camps are anxious to return home, but rain is still falling. The danger of additional flooding has not completely passed.

Efforts in the camps include:

Food distribution

Medical treatment, with the most frequent illnesses being malaria, diarrhea, respiratory infections and skin diseases. Health officials are also on the lookout for outbreaks of cholera and other water born diseases.

Sanitation - water purification and latrine construction

Identifying and registering unaccompanied children (approximately 50 identified in FH's three camps)

FH continues to seek additional funding for these and future efforts and is expanding its reach and effectiveness by partnering with various other organizations to provide funding, supplies and services.

On behalf of our own staff and, most importantly, the desperate people our efforts are helping, we wish to thank our donors, our Web community, and our field partners for your continued assistance and support. Field partners as of today include:

Cash donations from World Concern, Stop Hunger Now, Christian Aid Ministries, AIM, the Pfizer Foundation, and the Lowell Berry Foundation.

Distribution assistance from the local NGO Imagine

Assistance from local volunteers in Mozambique belonging to various missions including AIM, the Southern Baptists and Dorcas Aid.

Medical supplies from MAP International and GAIN

Transport from Air Serv International

Food and supplies from the United Nations World Food Program and the United States government.

To donate NOW call 1-800-2 HUNGER
