The main 2023/2024 cropping season was impacted by El Niño-induced drought occurring around the vital period of the farming season from December 2023 to February 2024, with a consecutive 30-day dry spell. In collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Mozambique Vulnerability Assessment Committee (MOZVAC), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) conducted an assessment to better comprehend the magnitude of the drought’s effects on food production.
The assessment confirmed a reduction of 25% over the previous year of the national planted hectarage due to drought, with biggest reductions reported in Manica (36%), Sofala (34%) and Gaza (25%) provinces. Maize yields fell below the 5-year median, with predicted production down 20% from the 5-year average.
The total crop production lost is estimated in 719,259 Mt (Metric tonnes) or approximately 19% of the overall baseline output of 3,861,030 Mt. The size of this loss has been estimated on a corresponding crop value of USD 349 million which corresponds to 7% of Mozambique GDP. The loss is predicted to deplete national food supply, increasing the need to import staple foods to meet domestic demand.