There are 207,000 students affected and in need of emergency education services;
Reallocated 19 motor ambulances to reinforce emergency referral system at community level and 21 hospital tents were provided;
There is US$ 8.7 million funding gap to provide immediate assistance to people affected by the cyclone;
27,000 ha of several crops were lost affecting 15,000 farmers;
The response provided to date in the Education sector is meeting less than 10% of the needs;
There is need to repair essential health infrastructure to ensure wide access of health services in affected areas;
Situation Overview
On 15th February 2017, the south of Mozambique specifically in Inhambane province was affected by DINEO cyclone resulting in several damages in social infrastructure, government offices as well as individual houses. The provincial authorities of Inhambane, reported that the cyclone affected about 550,691 people (112,513 families) which 7,651 families were considered most vulnerable. At least 33,712 houses were totally and 71,294 partially destroyed being Massinga, Morrumbene, Maxixe and Inhambane city the most affected districts.
In terms of infrastructure, 389 Government offices, 70 health units including 52 maternities as well as 2,200 classrooms were partially destroyed. The Education authorities estimated 207,000 students and 4,500 teachers were affected. Furthermore, there was downfall of 899 power poles leaving 8 districts without electricity for at least five days affecting the water supply in Maxixe and Inhambane city.
In the agriculture sector, approximately 27,000 ha of several crops were lost being Massinga, Morrumbene, Inhambane and Funhalouro the most affected districts. Moreover, about 135,865 fruit trees (cashew and coconut trees) were lost. These fruit trees represent an important source of incomes for the population affected (most of affected districts were Massinga, Inharrime, Morrumbene and Jangamo districts).
It is important to acknowledge the early warning issued by the Government authorities before the landfall of the cyclone. On 13rd February 2017, the government called the Technical Council for Disaster Management for a meeting to discuss and recommend the prevention and readiness measures which included the communication to the local government in concerned provinces about the cyclone and its potential impact, activation of local committees for disaster Management, intensification of monitoring measures, awareness of the population in risk areas to move to safe areas among other measures.
As consequence of the DINEO cyclone, several basic social services such as health care, education and water supply (especially in urban areas) were disrupted due to lack of electricity and partial destruction of the respective infrastructures (health units and classrooms).
The joint needs assessment conducted by the Government and HCT indicated that main humanitarian needs requiring urgent response are: 1) repairing household shelter for the most vulnerable; 2) providing livelihood supports to households adversely impacted by the cyclone; 3) ensuring the provision of health services and the restoration of health infrastructures, and 4) restoring the education infrastructures for the resumption of education services.
In line with the humanitarian needs, the response to date has been provided by the Government with support of Humanitarian Country Team and it included: the provision of tents for maternity services in affected health units in Maxixe and Morrumbene, the provision of fuel for emergency water pumping in Inhambane, the provision of food and shelter kits for the most vulnerable people as well as food for work/assets for road cleaning/debris removal, the provision of school tents, leaner kits.
The above-mentioned response activities are being implemented in close coordination with the Government authorities. However, the availability of funds from donors is key to enable the humanitarian community to meet the needs effectively. The HCT members are providing the initial response using existing stocks but these are below the needs and do not respond properly to what is required.
Efforts to mobilize additional resources are ongoing. On 22nd February 2017, the Government through the National Institute for Disaster Management (INGC) invited the donors and partners to share information regarding the impact of the cyclone and requested their support to respond to the existing needs. Moreover, on 1st March 2017, INGC sent a request letter to the HCT chair to mobilize funding resources to provide humanitarian assistance. As a response to this call, the HCT prepared a flash appeal to inform the donors and humanitarian community on the needs and funding requirements to assist the cyclone-affected people in Inhambane province.