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Mozambique: Cyclone DINEO Office of the Resident Coordinator – Flash update No. 3 (as of 20 February 2017, 02:00 PM)



  • In Inhambane province, 70 health units were affected and 1,687 classrooms partially destroyed affecting 160,000 students;

  • 949 people were hosted in three transit centers during the cyclone in Maxixe city, Inhambane province;

  • One death was reported in Gaza province precisely in Chibuto district;

  • Approximately 29,173 ha of several crops were lost in Inhambane province;

  • The Government have enough food stock (cereals and pulses) for immediate response but need oil, salt and sugar;

  • There is a need of about 128 tons of diverse seeds among cereals, pulses, vegetables and tubers.

  • Preliminary estimation of the financial requirements to restore from the damages is about US$ 13.3 million.

Situation Overview

The forecast of the DINEO cyclone indicated that the provinces of Inhambane and Gaza would be affected. In fact, Inhambane province was the most affected while in Gaza the tropical system had minimal impact. According to information shared by the provincial authorities on their daily coordination meetings, Gaza province reported lack of electricity in two districts namely Guijá and Massingir (downfall of power poles) which is currently reestablished, partial destruction of 11 classrooms and 13 houses. The provincial authorities in Gaza communicated the districts to resume the classes. One death was recorded in the province precisely in Chibuto district.
From 16 -17 February 2017, the north of Gaza province recorded heavy rainfall (75-140 mm in 24h) especially in Chigubo, Pafuri and Massangena districts. As result of the rainfall recorded, in the next 72h it is expected the rising of water level in Limpopo basin with no major impacts expected.
The provincial government of Inhambane indicates that 128,538 families / 652,684 people are affected across 12 districts in Inhambane province (this is an estimation based on population data living in affected areas). So far, there are 7 deaths confirmed. In Inhambane province, about 116 Government offices were affected by cyclone, being Inhambane city the most affected, followed by Massinga, Maxixe, Inharrime and Morrumbene districts. This situation will somehow impact on the quick resumption of the normal functioning for the different institutions and the Government priority is to restore the damaged infrastructure.
Still in Inhambane province, 70 health units were affected and 1,687 classrooms partially destroyed (see table 1 below). The cyclone affected 160,000 students and 5,500 teachers. The electricity company is gradually reestablishing the power in Inhambane province especially in the city of Inhambane and Maxixe but majority of the districts affected are still without power. Provincial authorities reported that during the cyclone about 949 people were hosted in three transit centers in Maxixe city. As of 19 February 2017, with the improvement of the weather people returned to their houses and transit centers were closed.
While the Government is in the process of restoring the affected infrastructure, the challenge is to ensure the provision of education and health services. The HCT is working closely with the Government to address the gaps wherever possible based on available stocks.
In Inhambane, multisector teams were established to conduct a rapid needs assessment and they are in the field since the day of 16 February 2017. The main needs listed in terms of NFI’s includes tarps, chlorine, certeza, mosquito nets, jerrycan and slabs for approximately 19,581 families. For shelter, roofing material, tents, shelter tools, tarps are required for an estimated 116 families. In terms of food the Government have enough stock (cereals and pulses) for immediate response but need oil, salt and sugar. In general, the government will prioritize the vulnerable groups for humanitarian assistance. The government initiated the assistance to 800 vulnerable families (elderly, household head by children, widows) with food and shelter kits).
In the agriculture sector, approximately 29,173 ha of several crops were lost being Massinga, Morrumbene, Inhambane and Funhalouro the most affected districts. Moreover, about 135,865 fruit trees (cashew and coconut trees) were lost. These fruit trees represent an important source of incomes for the population affected (most of affected districts were Massinga, Inharrime, Morrumbene and Jangamo districts). The authorities estimated a need of 128 tons of diverse seeds among cereals, pulses, vegetables and tubers.
Provincial government of Inhambane reported that preliminary estimation of the financial requirements to restore from the damages of DINEO cyclone in infrastructure (roads, health units, schools, government offices), agriculture sectors is about 911 million MT (about US$ 13.3 million). These funding requirements exceeds the financial capacity of the province according to contingency funds approved for 2017.