Cholera Outbreaks in Tete, Sofala, Zambezia, Nampula and Niassa provinces
7,073 cases reported since 25 December and 22 March and 53 deaths with a case fatality rate of 0.7%.
Cholera outbreaks are stabilizing in Nampula, Niassa and Tete and spreading to Sofala province with three districts already reporting cases (Beira city, Caia and Nahmatanda).
Tete city and Quelimane continue to register large numbers of new cases.
Cholera outbreak continues to rise in Zambezia with two more districts affected; Nicoadala and Gurué.
989 suspect cases and 200 confirmed cases of typhoid fever in Nampula.
649 suspect cases and 146 confirmed cases of Dengue in Nampula.
Floods in Zambezia, Cabo Delgado and Nampula
274,639 people affected and 161 deaths (134 in Zambezia).
50,507 people resettled in 64 resettlement centers