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Livelihoods Baseline Profiles - Limpopo Basin, Mozambique



A revised zoning of the Limpopo Basin was conducted with the directors of the District Economic Activities Services (representing districts Funhalouro, Mabote, Panda, Chigubo and Massangena from Inhambane Province and districts Bilene, Chokwe, Chibuto, Guija, Mandlakzi, Mabalane, Chiculalcula, Massingir and Xai‐Xai from Gaza Province; representatives from the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture in Gaza Province; the Technical Secretariat for Food Security and Nutrition (SETSAN) in Maputo; the National Institute for Disaster Management (INGC) in Gaza Province; Save the Children; IRD; and Associação para o Desenvolvimento das Comunidades Rurais (ADCR).

The baseline fieldwork was conducted by FEWS NET and FEG consultants; one staff member of the National Institute for Disaster Management (INGC); and students from Universidade Técnica de Moçambique (UDM) and in collaboration with local authorities from all the districts in the basin.