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Mozambique + 4 more

Joint Cholera Initiative for Southern Africa (JCISA) Sub-regional up-date on Cholera; 2017 – Week 8


The Joint Cholera Initiative for Southern Africa (JCISA) is a multi-agency technical partnership bringing together WHO, UNICEF, UNOCHA and OXFAM supporting national governments with the primary goal being to “strengthen regional capacity and collaboration in order to ensure more timely, integrated and effective technical support to countries in the areas of cholera preparedness, response and resilience”.

The Southern Africa sub-region consists of ten countries, five of which have been identified by the Initiative as priority countries – Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe. For the purposes of this IM process Tanzania is being included given its proximity to three of the priority countries and the possibility of cross border transmission. For further information contact Ben Henson, or Georges Tabbal, .


  • Tanzania outbreak continues but with significant reduction in cases over the past four weeks.

  • A small outbreak in North Western Zambia bordering with DRC is reported to be under control and managed by MOH.

  • Angola is seeing a reduction in cases in the far North but cases occurring in the capital, Luanda are a concerning trend.

  • Mozambique has seen a significant number of cases in Nampula in the North of the country along the Nampula – Nacala highway as well as steadily increasing numbers in Maputo province.

  • Malawi and Zimbabwe have reported no cases of cholera this year, though Zimbabwe still has a significant Typhoid outbreak in Harare and two other locations – with heavy rains in the southern half of the country the risk of cholera remains high.


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