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International Aid Responds to Flood Victims in Mozambique

(For media calls on International Aid's response, page Jerry Kitchel at 1-800-429-2834)
SPRING LAKE-With an estimated 1 million people left homeless after three weeks of devastating floods, Mozambique remains in a suspended state of crisis. Floodwaters have claimed at least 350 people, but estimates put the death toll in the thousands. Helicopter rescue teams have saved 8,000 people clinging to treetops, but many more remain isolated as the torrent continues.

International Aid, a Christian relief, development and training agency based in Spring Lake, Michigan, is immediately responding to this crisis to reach those in their hour of need.

"The destruction is almost incomprehensible," says Bobbi Johnson, International Aid director of partner resources. "Thousands of families are caught in what Mozambique officials say is the nation's worst flood on record. The needs are urgent, and we must be there for those who have lost everything."

As floodwaters continue to rise, International Aid has committed to provide medicines and medical supplies to help ease the suffering. The cost of sending one sea container is $10,000. International Aid is currently accepting monetary donations to cover shipping costs. Credit card donations may be made by calling the International Aid 24-hour hot line at 1-800-251-2502. Checks should be made out to International Aid and marked "Disaster Relief." Checks may be sent to: International Aid, 17011 W. Hickory, Spring Lake, MI 49456. Or donate online.

International Aid will continue to respond in the days ahead as the ever-changing needs of the victims become more evident. For more information on how you can help, call International Aid at 1-800-968-7490.

For twenty years, International Aid has been bringing health and hope to countries throughout Africa "including the Sudan, Kenya and Nigeria" through shipments of desperately needed relief goods and missionary assistance. Its Christian Eye Ministry clinics are currently serving the 1.5 million people of Ghana's Central Region.

International Aid was recognized as one of the nation's top 100 nonprofit organizations, and one of the country's top 10 relief and development agencies in the November 1999 issue of The NonProfit Times.

To learn more about International Aid, call 1-800-968-7490

Phone: (616) 846-7490 Fax: (616) 846-3842