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Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluation of the Response to Cyclone Idai in Mozambique, July 2020 [EN/PT]


Posted on Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Published Date 24 August 2020

This Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluation (IAHE) offers an independent assessment of the collective humanitarian response to Cyclone Idai in Mozambique in 2019. It is the first to assess the contribution of the new Scale-Up activation mechanism since its adoption by the IASC in 2018 and suggest further improvements to this important IASC tool. It is only the second IAHE that utilizes a representative survey of affected populations. It thus provides invaluable insight into the humanitarian response from the perspective of affected populations.

The evaluation found that the Scale-Up activation, joint preparedness and strong collaboration with the government combined with timely joint aerial assessments ensured that immediate humanitarian needs were anticipated correctly and contributed to the overall success of the response. As intended, the Scale-Up activation helped to augment in-country capacities and mobilize human and financial resources in the early stages of the response. It also helped strengthen collective accountability to affected populations by giving greater attention to participatory approaches during rapid assessments and by establishing an inter-agency feedback and complaint mechanism for the affected populations. As a result, the survey of the affected populations showed that the vast majority of affected people felt that they were treated with respect by humanitarian responders and most stated that that the assistance was in line with what they needed.

The IAHE also identifies several opportunities for improving future collective responses in similar contexts. These include better use of anticipatory/early action triggers and cash-based interventions; greater engagement with local civil society organizations and the private sector, and more coordinatedmanagement of monitoring and assessment data. The report also highlights some missed opportunities such as delays in meeting early recovery needs of the affected populations. In particular, the transition to early recovery response was challenged by a lack of joint planning and inadequate funding mobilized for early recovery needs. Lastly, the report also notes gaps in the monitoring framework for the response and highlights the need to capture and share operational lessons learned among IASC partners more systematically.

To improve future Scale-Up responses in similar contexts, this evaluation formulates 13 recommendations addressed to the Humanitarian Country Team in Mozambique, Emergency Directors Group, Emergency Relief Coordinator. These will be shared by the ERC to the relevant entities for their consideration and management response as appropriate.