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Humanitarian Action for Children 2019 - 2020 - Mozambique (Revised September 2019)


Total people in need 2.5 million

Total children (<18) in need 1.3 million

Total people to be reached 990,000

Total children to be reached 786,000

2019 programme targets


993,082 children aged 6 to 59 months screened for acute malnutrition and receiving vitamin A supplementation

270,947 pregnant and lactating women reached with messages on infant and young child feeding


761,796 children under 5 years receiving a consultation

24,400 pregnant women aged 15 to 49 years living with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy


978,000 people with access to a sufficient quantity of safe water

364,000 people with access to appropriate sanitation facilities and receiving hygiene messages

Child protection

44,725 children receiving psychosocial support through child-friendly spaces and schools

131,924 children (re)issued birth registration

160,000 people receiving information on prevention of and response to violence, abuse and exploitation, including genderbased violence and sexual exploitation and abuse


239,497 children aged 6 to 15 years accessing education

38,344 children aged 3 to 5 years accessing play-based learning

Social protection

23,000 households supported through joint multipurpose value vouchers

10,000 households with children under 5 years supported with a shock-responsive child grant

Communication for development

990,000 people reached with key lifesaving and behaviour change messages


Mozambique was affected by two category 4 cyclones in 2019: Cyclone Idai in March, which affected the central region; and Cyclone Kenneth in April, which affected the northern region and led to severe flooding. These events were the worst natural disasters in southern Africa in nearly two decades, resulting in 648 deaths. More than 2.2 million people were affected, including 1.2 million children, and over 200,000 people were displaced in the central and northern regions. The cyclones also impacted 400,000 students and 93 health facilities. Overall, some 2.5 million people in Mozambique require humanitarian assistance.
This includes 2 million people projected to be food insecure in the coming months due to the cyclones and poor rainfall in the southern region; 500,000 people living in partially damaged houses; and 80,000 people in 66 resettlement sites. An estimated 60,000 people have been displaced due to the deteriorating security situation in Cabo Delgado province. In addition, some 67,500 children under 5 years are in need of treatment for acute malnutrition. Access and logistical constraints remain major challenges in all affected areas.

Humanitarian strategy

In line with the revised 2019–2020 Humanitarian Response Plan and the Disaster Recovery Framework, UNICEF is providing life-saving and recovery assistance in cyclone and flood-affected provinces in Mozambique.
A UNICEF field presence has been established in the most affected cities of Chimoio, Beira and Pemba to ensure operational efficiency and timely response.

UNICEF is using an integrated response to meet the needs of affected children in both rural and urban areas, and targeting displaced households living in resettlement centres.
Cash-/voucher-based assistance is planned where relevant. UNICEF is enhancing its capacity to provide operational support and undertake higher frequency monitoring and quality assurance for governmental agencies and partners, especially for outreach interventions in hard-to-reach areas. Cluster coordination is being strengthened at both the national and decentralized levels. Innovative technological platforms and approaches are being used for assessment, data collection, monitoring, information sharing and real-time feedback. UNICEF is working towards strengthening the linkages between humanitarian action and development programmes, and also plans to invest in resilience building in the recovery phase by adopting a risk-informed approach. UNICEF will continue to strengthen protection from sexual exploitation and abuse and reinforce coordination structures to ensure crisis affected populations have access to reporting mechanisms and assistance.

Results from 2019

As of 31 July 2019, UNICEF had US$35 million available against the US$83.6 million requirements (44 per cent funded). UNICEF supported coordination and provided technical assistance and financial and in-kind resources to the Government and partners for the provision and restoration of basic services and cholera prevention and treatment. More than 1 million people gained access to safe water in affected areas, some 435,000 children received cholera vaccination and some 674,000 children received measles vaccination. UNICEF supported malaria prevention through the provision of mosquito nets to some 70,000 children under 5 years.

Capacity building support was provided for the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse, including through the development of an interagency induction training for 600 staff. An inter-agency and government platform for preparedness and response was rolled out with UNICEF support to encourage collaboration on data sharing. UNICEF led the formation of a task force on people living with disabilities to support sectors to reinforce accessibility mechanisms. In some cases, UNICEF reached more people than targeted as the initial plan was for cyclone response only. Where results were not achieved, this was due to limited access and government capacity and lack of availability of teachers and supplies.