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HeRAMS Cabo Delgado Atualizar relatório Novembro 2022 [PT]



The Health Resources and Services Availability Monitoring System (HeRAMS) aims to provide decision-makers and health stakeholders at large with vital and up-to-date information on the availability of essential health resources and services, help them identify gaps, and determine priorities for intervention.

HeRAMS has been deployed in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique since January 2022, and has allowed for the assessment of 138 health facilities across the province. This report series presents the first comprehensive update of the HeRAMS Baseline Report for Cabo Delgado and is based on data collected up to 31st October 2022. While this HeRAMS deployment remains ongoing and data verification and validation continue, the analysis presented here is not final and has been produced solely to inform operations.

This is the first report of the HeRAMS Cabo Delgado Status Update Report 2022 series focusing on the availability of the operational status of the health system. Additional reports are available covering: