Key Messages
At this point in the season, food is available and markets are adequately supplied throughout the country. With the exception of localized areas affected by weather shocks (floods and long dry spells), no acute food insecurity is present for the majority of rural households.
The selected area of concern includes the semi-arid parts of Massangena,
Chigubo, Mabalane, Mabote, Funhalouro, Panda, and Magude districts in the southern region, and Magude, Machaze, Chemba, Changara, and Mutarara districts in the central region. Currently the food security situation is favorable in these districts as households are consuming this season’s crops from the recent harvest, yet the food security situation is likely to deteriorate by the second half of the outlook period. -
From April through June, the majority of households throughout the areas of concern will be able to meet their basic food needs thanks to the increased food availability from the harvest of the 2010/11 cropping season.
Although the season was marked by localized flooding during the first half of the season, most households had alternative crop fields on higher ground to secure their seasonal food. Also, post-recessional flood water farming will enable a recovery of crop production along the lowlands and riverbanks. -
From July through September, the food security situation in the areas of concern will depend on the outcomes of the second cropping season in the areas where residual moisture content is available, especially in the lowlands. Generally, it is expected that localized Stressed (IPC Phase 2) food insecurity conditions will occur, with households experiencing a reduction in food consumption and water availability.