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DFID response to Mozambique floods

News From the Department for International Development 00/00

We have today announced a further half million Pounds to provide for the immediate needs of those affected by the crisis in Mozambique. These funds will be distributed through OXFAM and Save the Children Fund.

The situation in Mozambique is particularly perilous. On Saturday evening we made a contribution of ,600,000 in response to the worsening humanitarian crisis. This money is being used by the UN agencies' logistics operation in assisting in the costs of running helicopters and boats into the worst hit areas.

These funds are in addition to the =A31.1million that we gave as an immediate response to the floods last week.

The severity of the situation is still unfolding and we stand ready to respond further as needs arise. We have sent three people to Mozambique to help co-ordinate the response and assess the most immediate ways we can help.

- George Foulkes MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for International Development.

The grant of =A31.1 million went to:

Assessment Team: Two DFID humanitarian specialists were sent to Mozambique. Working closely with DFID staff on the ground, they conducted rapid assessments and liaised with the Mozambique authorities and humanitarian organisations over the most pressing needs. The following contributions have been made:

A consignment of tents was flown to Maputo, for distribution by the Red Cross. (Value of the contribution is =A3152,000).

United Nation Children's Fund (UNICEF): =A3250,000 for sanitation facilities, care and re-settlement of displaced people, resumption of school activities and essential health services in Mozambique.

International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC): =A3250,000 towards the provision of drinking water, shelter and rehabilitation of housing, in Mozambique and Botswana.

UN Office for the Co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA): =A320,000 for Mozambique and =A310,000 for Botswana for emergency relief items and logistical support.

World Vision: =A367,128 to provide basic survival items and help for people to repair homes damaged by the floods.

OXFAM: =A3155, 047 to support sanitation and water needs for communities in the Limpopo Valley

Actionaid: =A3159, 936 for basic survival items, shelter, watsan, health and education for flood affected communities in Manhica and Marracuene Districts.

DFID Southern Africa has provided =A326,000 to UNICEF for blankets for those affected by the flood.

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