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DFID response to Mozambique 03 Mar 2000

The weather in Mozambique is set to get much worse. The forecast for the coming week is extremely bad, another cyclone is due to hit this weekend.

DFID has responded to this by deploying an RAF helicopter carrier, Fort George. It will carry four Sea King helicopters, crew and 1.5 million litres of aviation fuel critical for ongoing air operations. The helicopters will have double crew, meaning 24 hr response where possible.

This is an essential deployment as the situation worsens as RAF Fort George will serve as a floating platform for refuelling. The four Sea king MK 6 helicopters carry 20 people each. RAF Fort George will arrive in Mozambique in 6/7 days.

The cost of this operation will depend on helicopter flying time; DFID will cover the =A31.4m cost expected. This will bring the UK contribution to Mozambique to =A37.2 million.

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