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Decision on extra money for Mozambique

Minister for International Development Cooperation Maj-Inger Klingvall decided today that SEK 10 million will be paid immediately to the World Food Programme (WFP) to meet the acute needs of the victims in Mozambique for food supplies.

"It is important that everyone does what they can to help alleviate the effects of the catastrophe in Mozambique. The World Food Programme has intensified its efforts there and the Swedish contribution makes it possible to promptly acquire and distribute foodstuffs in the very difficult situation that now prevails", says Minister for International Development Cooperation Maj-Inger Klingvall.

So far Sida has granted a total of almost SEK 20 million.

"Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world, and has received development assistance from Sweden and other countries for many years. After many difficult years of civil war the country has now started to make positive progress. Mozambique's friends in the West must make a vigorous joint effort to assist them in this difficult situation. The country is the single biggest recipient country of Swedish development assistance and I do not rule out further Swedish contributions", says the Minister for International Development Cooperation.

Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Dan Svanell
Press Secretary
08-405 55 50
070-560 17 93

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