Emergency response critical in Mozambique
Emergency response is critical and restoration
needs will be enormous following the heavy rains and severe flooding that
are battering southern Africa. In Mozambique, nearly one million
people are homeless and thousands more could
be dead. Hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland have been destroyed.
Epidemics of cholera, malaria, and meningitis are imminent.
"There are cities and district capitals
which are totally immersed," reports Titos Macie of CWS partner, the
Council of Mozambique (CCM). Before Cyclone Eline hit two weeks ago
and exacerbated already existent flooding, "...it was estimated that
the country would need two and one-half years to rebuild the destruction,"
says Macie.
Helena Carlos and her family, along with approximately 140 other families, have settled in a former cashew nut processing hall in Matola, a suburb of the capital city Maputo. There they await relocation. Helena returns to where her former home once stood, saying "...I miss my house and my neighbors. But we cannot rebuild our house here, it is too dangerous. We need a secure place so we will not be afraid of sleeping at night, again to be flooded." (For more about Helena and other families awaiting relocation, please see "Flooding in Mozambique Homeless in Matola," on the CWS Website at www.churchworldservice.org.)
Mozambique had been making great economic strides as the country continued to recover from a devastating civil war that ended in 1992. "The loss of life and infrastructure, including roads, will be a tremendous setback for a country that was one of the most successful economic stories of 1999," says CWS Africa Office Director Willis Logan. Early estimates indicate rebuilding in Mozambique will cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Says Logan, "The real work will start after the water recedes. That's when we'll see the full extent of the destruction. Restoration needs will be enormous."
CWS International Consultant Ivan DeKam is in Mozambique, providing support and evaluating technical needs. CWS is seeking $500,000 to support needs in the area, and has provided an initial $10,000 in Blanket Funds to CCM for blankets for 2,000 people.
Kosovo relief efforts continue
Tensions escalated in Mitrovica again
last week when ethnic Albanians were stoned as they attempted to return
to their
homes on the city's north side. After violence erupted last month,
some 2,000 Albanians had fled northern Mitrovica, a
stronghold for Serbian control.
Despite poor weather and road conditions, relief efforts continue in the area. Approximately 865 roofs, 304 pre-fabricated homes, and 154 wells have been constructed. CWS, as part of the Action by Churches Together (ACT) consortium, continues to support these and other recovery efforts in Kosovo.
CWS Blankets and "Gift of the Heart" Kits
Iglesia Cristiana Dios es Amor of Harlingen, Texas, is utilizing 200 CWS Blankets, 300 Health Kits, 300 Sewing Kits, 245 School Kits, and 30 Baby Kits in their ministry with families in need in and around Matamoros, Mexico.
Your prayers and support make possible these and other life sustaining programs. Gifts may be made through your local church, or directly to Church World Service, P.O. Box 968, Elkhart, IN 46515. To make a credit card contribution, please call 1-800-297-1516, ext. 222, or visit the CWS Website at www.churchworldservice.org For information about CWS/CROP community events in your area, please call your regional office at 1-888-297-2767. For information about free loan videos, please call your regional office or the Elkhart office at 1-800-297-1516, e-mail to: cws.film.library.parti@ecunet.org