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ACT Appeal Mozambique Emergency Flood Relief - AFMZ01 (Revision 1)


Appeal Target: US$ 10,251,175
Balance Requested from ACT Network: US$ 5,487,991

Geneva, 29 March 2000

Dear Colleagues,

In response to the drastic situation in Mozambique caused by incessant heavy rains followed by two cyclones, ACT Appeal AFMZ-01 - Emergency Flood Relief was issued on 24 February 2000. Response to the appeal to date has amounted to around US$ 2.8 million.

The rains continue to fall while further needs assessments are being conducted and it is clear there has been serious and extensive damage to property, crops, livestock and infrastructure in the central and southern provinces. Priority needs identified by the government and agencies on the ground clearly indicate the need for adequate food, water and sanitation facilities, along with shelter and agricultural inputs.

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), the Christian Council of Mozambique (CCM) and the Presbyterian Church of Mozambique (PCM) are proposing projects with the following components.

Food Relief
Non-food Relief
Heath & WatSan
Food Security & Agriculture

Summary of Appeal Targets, Pledges/Contributions Received and Balance Requested

Total Appeal Targets
Plus External Evaluation Costs
Less: Pledges/Contr. Recd
Balance Requested from ACT Network

External Evaluation: as per EXCOM decision concerning appeals of US$5 million or over, an evaluation cost has been included.

Please kindly send your contributions to the ACT bank account and inform this office of all pledges/contributions and transfers, including funds sent direct to the implementers. Please note the Pledge Form is no longer attached with the Appeal.

Account Number - 102539/0.01.061 (USD)
Account Name: ACT - Action by Churches Together
Banque Edouard Constant
Cours de Rive 11
Case postale 3754
1211 Genève 3

We would appreciate being informed of any intent to submit applications for EU, USAID and/or back donor funding and the subsequent results. We thank you in advance for your kind cooperation.

ACT Web Site address:

Ms. Geneviève Jacques, Director, WCC/Cluster on Relations
Thor-Arne Prois, ACT Coordinator
Rev. Rudolf Hinz, Director, LWF/World Service

ACT is a worldwide network of churches and related agencies meeting human need through coordinated emergency response.

The ACT Coordinating Office is based with the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Switzerland.



Mozambique has been experiencing the worst flooding in its living memory. Flooding began with three days of continuous rain between 5 and 7 February in southern Mozambique. Torrents of flood waters have torn up roads and bridges, the capital city was flooded for a period of one week and cut off from South Africa and from the rest of the country for 2 weeks.

Following a cyclone which hit the centre of the country on 22 February, the weekend of 26 and 27 February saw unprecedented rises in the level of the Save and Limpopo rivers and some tributaries. Thousands of people were stranded on roof-tops and trees. Helicopters at the disposal of the Mozambique Government and the National Institute for Disaster Management rescued people at the rate of 2,000 per day in the 10 days after the river levels peaked.

Impact on Human Lives

The total number of displaced people receiving food aid is estimated at 430,000 persons as of 9 March. These people are currently in one of 43 different camps or receiving food aid assistance from central points where food drops are being made. Many others who were displaced have not yet been identified and have therefore received no assistance.

The number of dead has been estimated at 500 and expected to rise further as the flood waters slowly recede and more bodies are discovered.

100,000 hectares of crops nearing harvest, much of it in Mozambique’s richest alluvial farmland, were destroyed by the floods. Many towns and villages were completely cut off with no electricity or safe water for people to drink. Current estimates of livestock mortality are at least 30,000 animals.

Most recent figures from the government of Mozambique reveal over 900,000 people are directly affected by the floods and a further 1.9 million people are at risk of losing their livelihoods due to the massive destruction of the roads and communications system. The gradual effects of food and fuel shortages around the country will have a severe impact on peoples lives.

While detailed needs assessments are currently being conducted, it is clear that there has been serious and extensive damage to property, crops and livestock in the central and southern provinces of Mozambique. As people begin to make their way home or begin to rebuild their homes and their lives, priority needs identified by the government and agencies on the ground is the need for adequate food, water and sanitation facilities, and shelter and agricultural inputs in the form of seeds and tools for sowing the next crop.

Immediate availability of agricultural inputs will enable farmers to capitalise on the second cultivation period, which begins in March/April. This will provide families with a harvest of staple foods (maize and beans) and vegetables in June/July. However, many families, especially in the Limpopo river valley where flood waters are receding very slowly, will not have enough dry land to plant before the cool dry season arrives when planting is no longer possible. Many, perhaps a majority of those dislocated, will not be able to plant until the next rainy season which begins in September and will thus not have a crop before early next year.

Another serious threat is the potential outbreak of waterborne diseases which looms large over the country. There are reports of malaria, diarrhoea, bronchitis, conjunctivitis and acute malnutrition having swept through displacement camps and villages.

Description of Damages

Although damages are still being assessed, preliminary estimates provided by the Mozambican government’s National Institute for Disaster Management (INGC) reveals the following:

- 900,000 people in need of immediate emergency assistance
- 1,900,000 additional people affected, who will need assistance of varying degrees
- 300,000 people rendered homeless
- of those, 4600 are women in the last trimester of pregnancy
- 20% of the homeless are age 5 or under
- 200 confirmed drowned; many more deaths assumed
- 800,000 at risk of cholera and malaria
- 100,000 hectares of crops destroyed
- 150,000 head of livestock perished, which is virtually the entire livestock population in the flood-affected areas
- all sugar plantations in the country except one severely damaged
- 141 schools destroyed, affecting 62,000 pupils
- Mozambican development has been set back an estimated 15 years
- minimal repair to infrastructure damage estimated at more than USD 250 million

Statistics collected and published by INGC reflect the results of collaborative information gathering from all organizations operating in the field, including the ACT members. In some of the hardest-hit areas such as Machanga, where the waters are receding very slowly and access is still difficult, definitive statistics are as yet unavailable, except estimates as to the percentage of the population affected in some way.

Current Security Situation

Despite occasional anecdotal reports of looting in abandoned neighbourhoods, in general this is not a problem for organizations working in affected areas. Access problems of course remain severe in some locations, which are accessible only by helicopter or boat. This situation means that only the best-funded organizations, principally the World Food Program, must be left temporarily with the burden of emergency food-aid provision in the short term.

The transportation realities change almost daily. The main north-south road EN1, through the country was cut in several places between Maputo and Beira. It is currently open from Beira south to Xai-Xai, but still severed between Xai-Xai and Maputo. Some emergency repairs have been attempted which are however temporary and susceptible to the continuing rains. The extensive damage has rendered the road incapable of handling the large numbers of heavy trucks which normally ply this route and which is Mozambique's supply lifeline.

Communication with the affected districts is difficult under normal circumstances. Now, with electrical and telephone lines damaged, high frequency radios are the most effective means of communication.


Lutheran World federation: As this is a revision of the original appeal and for the sake of brevity, information about LWF/WS will not be repeated here. Details can be checked from the original appeal.


Lutheran World Federation intends to continue responding in and around Maputo town, Matola Municipality, and Gaza and Sofala provinces. The degree of the effects in these areas differs from one area to another. Maputo and Matola towns were affected first hence assistance was primarily focused more on these areas. Shortly after the submission of the original appeal, Gaza and Sofala provinces were heavily affected and the world attention was diverted towards these areas.

This revised appeal includes issues raised in the first draft regarding Maputo and Matola and additional information regarding the effects of the cyclones and floods in Gaza and Sofala provinces. Regardless of the gravity of the situation along the Save, Buzi and Limpopo valleys, the situation in Maputo province, especially the Maputo and Matola towns, is critical and still needs attention. Boane and Moamba districts are still without adequate clean water supplies. The water situation is more critical in Moamba district.

Maputo Province - Congolote

About 3000 families will be settled in Congolote resettlement scheme. Of these, some families are currently in various collection centres in and around Matola Municipality and are all flood victims from Maputo and Matola. ACT/LWF is currently assisting these families with food aid, shelter and clothing. The families will be resettled in Congolote and will need proper shelter provisions (basic accommodation). All these families lost houses and personal belongings. Food reserves were either washed away or affected by the floods.

Children are currently out of school and health conditions are below standard. The Matola Municipality is facilitating the movement of these families to the new area. It is the responsibility of the Council to demarcate the area and provide basic road access provisions, servicing the plots and administering the new settlers. ACT/LWF will assist 300 families out of the approximated 3,000 shelter with shelter and food provisions. It will also assist in the construction of a health post and provide basic water supply by means of drilled wells fitted with hand pumps. We hope to assist with provision of materials to construct latrines.

Congolote is a piece of land, which is sparsely populated with only 100 families currently living on the site. The council plans to demarcate stands and construct roads. The cost of moving families is still not clear but a number of NGOs are willing to help out with assistance. The LWF team of engineers through the ACT/NCA funding has carried out an assessment of the Water and Sanitation situation and drilling of the first water well has now been completed.


Boane is a small town in Boane District, Maputo province. There are no fewer than 4 sources that normally supply the town with water. The town is serviced by the greater Maputo water supply. It also has its own water supply from a river intake. Additionally, there are 3 boreholes (depth to ca. 50 m.) for people living in lower lying areas that are not hooked to town water. Finally, there is a water supply to the military training center in the town.

The Maputo water supply draws water from the river some 6 kilometers east of the town, where it is treated and then pumped both west to Boane, and east to Matola. Unfortunately the pipes, estimated. 100-mm for at least a part of the distance, leak and the pressure is sufficient only to reach the eastern part of town. ACT/LWF will carry out emergency repair work to ensure that Maputo water can reach Boane town and, in the longer term, intend to replace the obsolete pipeline.

Boane also has its own water system. The intake is also from the river, but directly south of the town less than 1 kilometer from the center of town. The water is pumped up to the center of town, where flocculent is added and then filtered (3 sand filters) before being chlorinated. This water system is presently not being used because the intakes are flooded. The town has dismounted the pump and removed it to higher ground. When the water levels lowers the pump can be reinstalled and the system can be started again. The town reports that this system doesn’t completely remove turbidity in the water, and that they would prefer to use the greater Maputo municipal system.

The boreholes used to supply lower-lying parts of the town, and have had long-standing problems with lack of maintenance and declining yield. LWF/ACT intend to assist the town in rehabilitating these wells and developing a management plan for ensuring their sustainability. The operation of these boreholes will provide further insurance for the town’s water supply against future flooding incidents. Presently there is no potable water available to the town. The town people, and the displaced people, who have settled temporarily in the town, fetch water from the Umbuluzi River.


Moamba is the central town of Moamba Distinct in Maputo province. The town has its own water system, based on a water intake from the River Incomati. From the intake, water is pumped to the town’s treatment plant, consisting of coagulant / soda ash addition, filtration (6 sand filters), and chlorinating. The water system services only the older, central part of town.

The flooding has disabled the water system, and the grid that supplies the pumps with electricity. There has been some structural damage to the building, and the electrical lines, transformer and poles are down. Rehabilitation work on the pumps and intake will be necessary in order to make the pump station operational. The treatment system also has a long-term problem with lack of maintenance and spare parts, and does not function adequately.

ACT/LWF is currently using NCI’s emergency water package to treat and tanker river water into temporary distribution tanks in the town. In the longer term, ACT/LWF will work together with local engineers to ensure the repair or replacement of pumps at the intake, treatment plant and water tower.

Gaza Province - Chokwe town

Chokwe town was completely flooded. The water wave besieged the town in the early hours and everyone was caught unawares. People were evicted with the aid of helicopters to Macia 61 kms away and to Chiaqualane some 40Kms away. Many people spent nearly 5 days on top of houses with no food or water and lost household belongings and food reserves. The affected are currently at various collection camps.

The town was turned into a mere ghost town full of thick mud and debris. Water inside the LWF offices was over two meters high and the office equipment and furniture were completed destroyed. LWF staff members like everyone else were also affected and some are currently traumatised and will need moral, financial and material support to overcome these effects.

The town is still deserted and a few families are paying visits to assess possibilities of returning. A small collection of camps are being set up in the town with few thousand persons based there.

At the time of preparing this proposal, there are reports that the rains in South Africa and Southern parts of Zimbabwe are so intense that the town was likely to be flooded again. This would worsen the situation and draw back efforts by various NGOs currently putting up warehouses in the town. Efforts to clean the town are underway and people from all walks of life are called upon to contribute with human, equipment or material assistance.

Northern Chokwe

LWF Mozambique programme operates long term development activities in Northern Chokwe. An assessment visit by helicopter to this locality by an LWF team, revealed that the people were affected although the areas are not flooded but isolated and "wet". It is clear that the crops will not have a good yield due to the excessive rain. The area drains its access water into the Limpopo River and since the degree of water flow was reduced, the area became water logged.

The people in these areas are currently cut off from Chokwe town. They need more medical supplies and additional seed crops for replanting. The health situation is currently bad with people complaining of various ailments including coughing and malaria. A qualified medical person could not be found. ACT/LWF intends to assists this community with health medical kits and seed crops.

Guija District

In Guija district, LWF operates in various villages on long term development. These areas are currently isolated from Chokwe and Guija towns. There are reports of food shortages and lack of medical supplies. Nearly all families lost crops when their fields, which are along the Limpopo valley, were flooded. Some families whose homes were along the valley lost everything and are currently being assisted with aid from relief organisations.

The water situation in these areas is reported to be not critical and relief organisations are helping out with water purifying tablets and water purification plants. ACT/LWF intends to assist these families with seed aid for replanting. The current emergency team will continue assessing the area and make necessary recommendations. The area is not accessible by road but by boats.

Mabalane District

It has been difficult to make a physical assessment of the Mabalane District and even the government departments have not been able to give clear information. LWF operates long term development projects in this area and it is assumed that the people might have suffered a similar plight to the people in Guija and Northern Chokwe.

The farming areas are along the Limpopo River. The LWF/ACT team in Gaza will make efforts to visit this area and submit tangible information. It is assumed that the Limpopo River started swelling up after Mabalane and before Chokwe. If the area suffered the same effects as the Guija, ACT/LWF will distribute seed aid to the affected families.

Sofala Province - Buzi and Chibavava

The torrential rains in Zimbabwe and the cyclones in Sofala province flooded the Buzi River. In Toronga and Chisunguana localities, many families lost houses, belongings and fields were flooded. Families are currently recovering but will need food aid and seeds for replanting. Some families will need shelter and clothing. Schools and health posts have been destroyed and there is a great need of medical aid. Some areas are still inacessible.

An assessment of the water and Sanitation by team revealed that the area would need short and long term water rehabilitation work including provisions for new water systems. LWF is assisting communities in these areas in carrying out long term development work.

Impact on Human Lives

  • It is estimated that over 100 000 people are affected. Some lost houses and household goods, crops, food items, livestock, lives while others are also physically isolated.
  • The health situation has worsened with cases of cholera and malaria being reported.
  • Many people have no access to potable water, no energy means or firewood for food preparation.
  • Many people are physically isolated from their families.
  • Many people are traumatised and will need counselling.
  • Families are crowded into collection camps receiving minimal food and material aid.
  • Families have been living in the open with minimal or no shelter provisions for nearly a month.
  • Schools and health posts have been destroyed and medical supplies are not sufficient.
  • There is no communication between Maputo and the rest of the country. Many families are still not receiving any aid due to isolation and inaccessibility of certain areas.
  • Since most schools were turned into collection centres, classes were interrupted and most children are still out of school. Those children whose families will be relocated will not have access to education until provisions are put in place.
  • Many families in the countryside are currently homeless and no help is being rendered due to poor road networks.

Description of Damages

Most of the infrastructure was destroyed with roads being cut off and there is no countrywide communication network. Families were displaced and isolated, houses destroyed and household goods lost. Fields are flooded and most crops are a complete a write off. Water systems and water wells are currently flooded. Some people were swept away by the rushing waters and cases of deaths were reported. Cases of cholera and malaria are increasing.

Locations of Proposed Response:


The resettlement area is situated about 8 kilometres from the Maputo central town. It falls under the Matola administrative structure. The place was earmarked for urban expansion and land development was underway before the floods. The Municipality have decided to move the flood victims to Congolote. Modalities to change the previous settlement arrangements are currently underway.

The activities carried with the Rapid Response Fund have been linked with the planned activities for Maputo and Matola towns. The crisis assistance was meant for several communities who were in great need at the time and ACT/LWF at the time identified and assisted the most needy group of people.

Trevo is a community, which LWF wishes to assist in the post crisis phase. The community will be settled at a new site called Congolote. All future reports will indicate Trevo community in Congolote. The Gaza and Sofala appeals include both the Crisis and Post crisis phases. Capacity building training has been included under water and sanitation. The training will be done on a long-term aspect and will be a bridge between emergency and long term development. With adequate training, the transition from emergency will be much smoother.

Moamba District

Moamba lies on the Inkomati River about 60-km northwest of Maputo. The town is located on higher ground above the river, but with some of the population living at lower, more flood-prone areas closer to the river. It is these populaces that have been affected/displaced by the floods. Most, if not all, displaced people will return to their homes when the water subsides.

Boane District

Boane is located 35-km west/southwest of Maputo, on the Umbuluzi River. The town is situated on higher ground above the river, but with some of the population at lower elevations closer to the river, they are have been affected/displaced by the floods. There are 1,073 displaced people housed within the town at higher elevations. These people are planning to return to their homes as soon as the water subsides.

Punguine Dam

The work required to be done on the dam links to the earlier planned work in the old appeal AFMZ 91 for the Punguine dam. The Dam forms part of the access road to Northern Choke. Rehabilitating the road to this area would mean rehabilitating the dam wall because the public road passes across the Dam wall. Construction work will be done through a contractor. The old appeal was not implemented and a request will be made to ACT CO requesting that the little money available from the previous appeal could used for the dam construction.

Gaza Province - Chokwe town

Chokwe town lies along the agriculturally rich Limpopo valley. It has a total population of about 65,000 people. Most of the people in the town and surrounding villages are small commercial farmers who benefit from the year round state run irrigation scheme. There are a few schools in the town, a Roman Catholic Church run Hospital and private enterprises. The total area under irrigation is about 30,000 hectares.

Northern Chokwe

The area called Northern Chokwe, is Chokwe district. It is 30 kilometres from Chokwe town and is administered by the Macaratane administrative post.

Guija District

The Guija administrative office some few kilometres administers Guija District across the Limpopo River from Chokwe town. There is no access road to Guija. Travellers usually use a boat to cross the Limpopo River from Chokwe. Motorists drive more than 60 kilometres through the Barrage to Guija centre. The village where LWF operates are situated on high ground some few kilometres from the river Limpopo.

Sofala Province - Chibavava and Buzi Districts

Chibavava and Buzi districts are situated along the Buzi River. Buzi flows from the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe. The recent cyclones affected both this area and the eastern area in Zimbabwe. This aggravated the destruction on houses, property and the flooding of the Buzi River. The area covered in the appeal is around 150 kilometres from Beira town along the national Beira Maputo road. Chisunguana in the Buzi district is about 90 kilometres to the east of the administrative post of Muxungue. Toronga in Chibavava district lies about 40 kilometres to the north west of Muxungue administrative post and about 20 kilometres west of the Chibavava district office along the Buzi River.

Disaster and Emergency Statistics

It is reported by the Government that over 1,000,000 people are affected countrywide. Maputo province including Maputo town, Matola town, Boane and Moamba recorded over 120,000 victims. If no precaution is taken, all these people will be susceptible to malaria, cholera and other water borne disease. Various floods related deaths have been reported.



The project goal is to assist communities who are affected by the current floods and cyclone to re-establish sustainable socio-economic livelihood through the provision of basic social needs (food, shelter, sanitation, health and water).


  • Distribute food relief to families who lost food commodities during the floods.
  • Assist communities with the rehabilitation and construction of water sources.
  • Provide basic shelter to relocated and resettled families
  • Train families on basic hygiene and other health related activities.
  • Assist victims in re-establishing food reserves through the distribution of seed.
  • Rehabilitate destroyed infrastructure, which includes roads schools and hospitals.


Number and Type of Targeted Beneficiaries

About 100,000 people will benefit from the overall assistance of ACT/LWF. They include rural farmers, school children and urban families. This figure includes direct beneficiaries. A lot more people will benefit indirectly these include road users, traders and patients in hospitals.

Criteria in Beneficiary Selection

All families in the flooded areas are potential beneficiaries. On resettlement in Congolote, people who lost houses will be given the first priority. The Institute for Management of Disasters (INGC) together with other organisations identified and defined the disaster areas. Food aid and relief is being given to all victims who are currently dislocated and are at collection centres. Other organisations have extended aid to flood victims who remained in their original homes and are housing other victims.

Collection centres are meant for all victims who are currently with no shelter. Some people at collection centres have houses still full of water and will eventually return to their homes when the water recede.

All victims will benefit from the water and sanitation assistance as the overall sanitation conditions are now very critical in the flooded areas and all families displaced will receive survival kits. Medical supplies are also needed.

Urban victims are not included in the group of beneficiaries who are receiving seed. This category of aid is meant for rural victims whose fields and crops are currently under water. LWF/ACT have identified all farmers in areas where LWF operates long term development activities as victims and potential beneficiaries. These farmers lost crops and their means of survival will be very difficult without any seed provisions for replanting. These farmers will be assisted with seed aid and some necessary farming tools.

Access roads to these areas will need major repairs, along with rehabilitation of schools hospitals and water supplies. Training on disaster management will be carried out and effort will be put on a smooth transition from emergency to development.

Number of Targeted Beneficiaries According to Proposed Assistance

Flood victims the country: 1,000,000
Flood victims to be assisted through LWF/ACT: 100,000
Families to be relocated: 500
Families to receive food aid: 30,000
Families to receive seed aid: 19,128
People to benefit from Medical emergency kits: 40,000
Families to receive shelter assistance: 30,000
People to benefit from the Water and Sanitation assistance: 100,000
People to receive blankets: 30,000
Families to benefit from road rehabilitation: 30,000
Families to receive kitchen sets: 20,000
Children to receive school kits: 3,000


Description of Assistance

The food items in the appeal are meant to feed victims for a total period of 60 days in Congolote and 30 days for Sofala and Gaza. Assistance will be given in form of free handouts of food relief, shelter for flood victims, provision of water and sanitation facilities. Construction of latrines Rehabilitation of existing water sources. Construction of new water wells. Families, which lost household goods, will be provided with survival kits. Most rural families will receive agricultural seeds. The assistance is to be extended to the rehabilitation of schools, roads, clinics and water points in Sofala and Gaza.

Implementation Description Per Activity

ACT/LWF will give aid in areas where long-term development activities are underway, however, cases of emergency outside these areas will be considered. The donated commodities from DCA were channelled through other development partners for distribution. These organisations work closely with ACT/LWF. Distribution lists and reports will be submitted to ACT/LWF for reconciliation, accounting and onward submission to ACT. These organisations are working in areas not covered by this appeal. These areas are Mashanga districts, in Buzi town Sofala province, Sabie and Macajuine Maputo province, Xai-Xai and Chibuto in Gaza province. The items distributed through these organisations are family tents, biscuits, plastic sheeting, motor boats, blankets, and water purifying tablets.

Food relief

Affected families will receive food aid. Food rations will be given out according to normal food relief distribution standards designed by Food World Program. Food relief will be given during the crisis period. Only serious cases of very needy groups will be considered after the crisis period. It is expected that food relief will be given out for a total period of two months in Congolote and one month in Sofala and Gaza. Each person will receive food rations containing 500 grams rice for 15 days, 500 grams maize meal for 15 days, 20grams vegetable oil for 30 days, 20 grams sugar for 30 days and 5 grams salt for 30 days.

Shelter provision

Families, that lost houses, will be assisted with shelter provisions. In Congolote some 500 families will be relocated and will be provided with basic shelter. LWF/ACT will assist in the resettlement process. The basic structures to be provided by ACT/LWF will comprise a finished house and a family toilet. The families in Congolote will receive plastic sheeting while they are waiting for the construction of the housing units. In the initial resettlement phase, LWF will assist 300 families and 200 in the second phase. The phases are determined by the demarcation of plots by the Council. Other NGOs like Kulima and Handicap International will assist about 200 families during the first phase.

Families in Gaza and Sofala will be provided with plastic sheeting and only in acute cases will tents be provided. Each family will receive a 4m x 5m size plastic sheeting. Currently the tents and plastic sheeting received from DCA are being distributed to families in Sofala, Congolote and Gaza.

Water and Sanitation

ACT/LWF will implement emergency water and sanitation activities in areas covered by this appeal. Activities will be done in three phases, short-term emergency, medium term emergency and long term emergency (post crisis)

ACT/LWF staff will work closely with the Ministry of Health and other organisations to promote good sanitary conditions. Training on capacity building is planned to boost managerial and administrative skills on water management. This phase will flow into the long-term development phase and training will include various involved parties including the Government, NGOs and LWF staff. Facilitators will be invited from various institutes in the region and outside the region. There are plans to provide advanced training on sustainable management of Water Resources to some people.

ACT/LWF has assumed responsibility for providing water and sanitation to this first project phase. After discussions with the municipality of Matola, which has responsibility for the project, it is planned to use shallow boreholes (ca. 30m) outfitted with hand pumps for water supply, and use latrines for sanitation. Work will encompass a total of 20 boreholes and hand pumps, and 250 latrines.

  • Participate in site planning and placement of hand pumps and latrines
  • Finalize latrine designs keeping in mind the contamination of the shallow ground water.
  • Engage and oversee contracting work on boreholes and pumps
  • Ensure quality control work.


In Boane, it is important to ensure short-term water supplies while assessing in more detail flood damages and long term needs for rehabilitation and reconstruction. Work is detailed below. The water and sanitation system needs to be surveyed in detail, confirming and supplementing information contained in this report and the assessment mission by the NCA water and sanitation consultant. This assessment should end up with a report outlining a strategy for the mid- and long term. The short-term water supply to the town must be ensured and the town needs assistance in the rehabilitating of the pumping station. The feasibility of this should be outlined in the survey contained under the first item. Boreholes and hand dug wells used for water supply to lower lying areas must be flushed and cleaned in order to be able to use them again. Latrines in lower-lying areas that have been damaged or destroyed must be rehabilitated.


As in Moamba, it is important to ensure short-term water supplies while assessing in more detail flood damages and long term needs for rehabilitation and reconstruction. Work is detailed below. The water and sanitation system needs to be surveyed in detail, confirming and supplementing information contained in this report and the assessment mission by Joseph Allen. This assessment should end up with a report outlining a strategy for the mid- and long term.

The short-term water supply to the town must be ensured, and if necessary improved with establishment of water points for those not using potable water. The town must be assisted in the rehabilitating of the pumping station. The feasibility of this should be outlined in the survey contained under the first item. Boreholes and hand dug wells used for water supply to lower lying areas must be flushed and cleaned in order to be able to use them again. Latrines in lower-lying areas that have been damaged or destroyed must be rehabilitated.

Family assistance

Each family will be assisted with kitchen kits, blankets, food and shelter. Medical kits will be supplied to health centres in the villages or in the receiving centres. All families will have free access to medical services. The medical kits received from DCA as donations will be sent to Chokwe town and Northern Chokwe.

Food security and agriculture

Most of the rural victims lost crops. Each family will be given seed aid the aid will range from ground nuts seed, maize seed and beans. The seed will be given according to standard emergency kits. Each kit contains maize seed, hoes, axes, bean seed, groundnuts, vegetable seed, pumpkin seed, onions, tomato seed and cabbage seed. The seed will be planted during this season as a second attempt.


Training and awareness raising sessions will be part of on-going activities. The field staff will conduct training on environmental and personal hygiene. Training on water and sanitation will focus more on management and maintenance of water systems. It is proposed that NCA will be interested in running workshops and capacity building training for NGOs in Mozambique, the Government staff and other interested parties. This will enhance the capacity for preparedness and proper running of sustainable water sources.

Medical Kits

Most communities are now either isolated from medical supplies or are running short of basic medical needs. LWF/ACT plans to provide supplies to most of these families. Ministry of Health and UNICEF will co-ordinate the distribution of the kits. In remote project areas, local clinics will be supplied with basic medical supplies.

Transition From Emergency

The communities in all affected areas are expected to resume their normal lives when the crisis is over. The situation is still serious and this transition is still not known. LWF/ACT will work closely with local structures and Government departments to ensure a smooth transition from emergency. The programme has enough qualified personal to assist in the transition. The LWF/ACT team will do follow-up of construction work until the full responsibilities are handed over to local authorities. The respective projects will resume normal community development activities with the original participatory development approach. The transition from emergency is expected to be smooth in all projects were LWF is currently operating.


Project Administration

The Representative carries overall responsibility for the implementation of all project activities within the LWF Mozambique Country Programme. This includes emergency-related projects. Specific responsibility will be delegated directly or through the LWF/ACT emergency committee and Projects Co-ordinators in Gaza and Sofala projects. Additional staff on emergency co-ordination will be engaged to assist the current development staff. Ongoing emergency preparedness is the responsibility of the Projects Co-ordinators. Construction of the health post will be the responsibility of the LWF/ACT groups and the LWF/ACT members. A project engineer will be engaged to oversee the construction of the health post. Two NCA funded water and sanitation engineers are already working on the WatSan projects.

A local Water Engineer will be contracted to oversee the rehabilitation and construction of water points. The engineer will work closely with International Water Engineers. Existing field staff in both Gaza and Sofala will be responsible for the implementation and supervision of emergency work. CEDES will provide 4 staff members to be part of the emergency team. Training will be co-ordinated with the Ministry of health.

Project Finance Management and Controls

The Financial Administrator is responsible for overall financial management of project accounts and disburses funds to projects against cash flow plans. The emergency team leader is in charge of the project implementation. Payments are made at Maputo level in accordance with agreed budgets and the Field Manual. Procurements are centralized in Maputo. Periodic internal audits are carried out by the Financial Administrator. Financial reports are received from the implementing teams periodically and consolidated into a monthly financial report which is submitted to the Secretary for Administration and Finance in Geneva. The Finance Administrator prepares specific donor reports with copies to Geneva. Donor funds are paid into an LWF/DWS - Mozambique bank account in Geneva and drawn down by the field office as required.

Project Monitoring Procedures

The emergency team leader during implementation will make regular and frequent visits. The team leader will liase closely with implementing teams in Gaza, Sofala and Congolote. Periodic progress reports will be produced and submitted to the Representative. In addition Gaza, Sofala and Congolote projects, as part of normal reporting and monitoring procedures, prepare monthly activity reports. LWF Gaza, Sofala and Congolote will monitor activities and verify that activities conform to plans and schedules; that work is of required standard; and assess the impacts of project activities. These various reports will be compiled into a regular monitoring report specific to the Appeal Project.


Project Assessment, Start-up, Implementation, close-out, Transition From Emergency

The emergency crisis phase started in Maputo and Matola during the second week of February 2000. Distribution of food aid commenced during the second week of February. Distribution of aid will continue until the situation stabilises. In Gaza and Sofala the floods started in February and became worse at the end of February. Assistance will be given within a maximum period of 12 months. Seed distribution, shelter provision and household kits will be provided once.

Rehabilitation of water points will start as soon as the water subsides. The work is expected to be done within a period of 12 months. It is currently difficult to give accurate time frames on the compilation and transition from emergency. Distribution of food is currently underway and the construction and rehabilitation work will only start when the rains stop. Normal development work will continue as soon as the emergency phase is over. Assessment of the floods will continue and the situation will be monitored on daily basis.


ACT, Government, International Agencies, Other NGOs

At both provincial and district level LWF/ACT has a close relationship and co-ordinates with government departments of agriculture, rural water supply and sanitation, education, roads, health and emergency relief. LWF/ACT cooperates closely with other NGOs, the Municipalities of Matola and Maputo and the Government. At provincial levels LWF/ACT will work closely with other NGOs, UN agencies and Government authorities.