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Montenegro + 7 more

UNHCR Montenegro Fact Sheet, February 2024


Ukraine refugee response: Since March 2022, Montenegro has been granting temporary protection to refugees from Ukraine and hosts a large refugee community relative to its population.

Asylum: UNHCR supports Montenegro to strengthen asylum procedures, improve reception standards and foster socio-economic inclusion for refugees and asylum-seekers.

Ending statelessness: UNHCR and authorities are working to improve statelessness determination procedures for refugees.


Strengthening asylum procedures

UNHCR supports national authorities in strengthening identification and referral of asylum-seekers, improve refugee status determination procedures, and enhance local integration prospects to foster self-reliance among refugees and asylum-seekers.


By strengthening the statelessness determination procedures (SDP) and fully implementing functional birth registration procedures, Montenegro is making steady progress to fully implement all seven statelessness pledges stemming from the High-Level Segment on Statelessness and the Global Refugee Forum.

Ex-Yugoslav refugees

With UNHCR’s assistance, the number of refugees from the former Yugoslavia with unresolved legal status decreased from 319 in late-2021, to 51 by end-2023; UNHCR aims to resolve all pending cases in early 2024.