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UNICEF Mongolia COVID-19 Situation Report No. 5: 13 August to 21 September 2020


Situation in numbers

312 Laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases. No community transmission

302 COVID-19 recovered

16 Children infected with COVID-19 (ages 5–18)

884,787 Children resumed school and kindergarten on 1 September 2020


  • Across Mongolia, 884,787 children (433,545 girls, 451,242 boys) were reached with COVID-19 risk communication and community engagement materials.

  • Schools and kindergartens reopened on 1 September 2020. UNICEF supported the reopening by providing hand sanitizer to 1,348 kindergartens, 820 schools and 532 dormitories nationwide through the Ministry of Education and Science (MoES).

  • UNICEF also supported the development of a teacher’s guide on remedial classes for all levels of general education nationwide, which is being used for the new academic year where the first month is dedicated to remedial classes.

  • With funding support from UNICEF, the Government of Japan, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), personal protective equipment with a value of US$239,380 was handed over to the Ministry of Health (MoH) for 262 front-line health care workers for an estimated use of 63 days.

  • In partnership with MoH, essential nutrition supplies with a value of US$150,000 have been distributed to all primary and secondary health facilities in six districts in Ulaanbaatar, Bayankhongor, Gobi-Altai,
    Zavkhan and Khuvsgul as well as to the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health (NCMCH). Approximately 120,170 children aged under 5 will benefit from these essential supplies.

  • UNICEF delivered 220,000 doses of the flu vaccine to Mongolia.