Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 — a service provided by UN OCHA


Mongolia 2024 IFRC network country plan


Funding Requirement CHF 2.55M

In support of the Mongolian Red Cross Society

703 National Society branches
171 National Society staff
20,857 National Society volunteers

People to be reached

130,000 Climate and environment
225,000 Disasters and crises
212,000 Health and wellbeing
4,000 Migration and displacement
106,000 Values, power and inclusion


The Mongolian Red Cross Society is the largest humanitarian organization in Mongolia. It was established in 1939 and admitted to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in 1959. The Law on the Legal Status of the Mongolian Red Cross Society was updated in 2016. It recognizes the auxiliary role of the National Society in the humanitarian field, to provide support in disaster risk reduction and management, public health promotion, social protection, youth engagement, the dissemination of international humanitarian law and other services.

The Mongolian Red Cross Society is a member of the National Emergency Commission and the Humanitarian Country Team, both of which are involved in the planning and design of the national response to any emerging crisis. The State Red Cross Cooperation Council was established in 2017, to help establish and promote cooperation between the Government and the National Society at a national and local level. The National Society operates through 33 mid-level branches across the country and more than 800 primary-level branches covering all provinces. It has seven regional disaster preparedness centres and 44,000 active volunteers and youth members.

The National Society’s Strategy Framework 2021–2030 focuses on three main aims:

  • To strengthen the resilience of people to recover from the effects of disasters and crises, through preparedness and an enhanced capacity for disaster response and recovery
  • To implement public health promotion activities through a community-based approach and contribute to the development of a non-violent and peaceful society
  • To develop a leadership for members, supporters and youth, based on the values and innovative practices of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement – ensuring public participation in the decision-making process and the sustainable development of the National Society

Over the last four years, the Mongolian Red Cross Society has reached approximately two million people through its programmes, projects and life-saving interventions. In the last three years, the National Society has reached 910,000 people through its disaster management programme, 399,460 people through its social inclusion and development programme, 937,100 people through its public health promotion programme, and 453,200 through its youth movement programme.

The Mongolian Red Cross Society has developed its plan of action for 2024 to 2025 and will focus on three main strategic aims. These include:

  • Protection of or Prevention of loss of, and damage to, lives and livelihoods of the people from disasters and hazards, ensure preparedness and strengthen capacity of disaster response and recovery.
  • Implementation of public health promotion activities through community-based approaches and contribution to the development of a non-violent and peaceful society.
  • Develop leadership for members, supporters, youth, based on the values and new innovative practices of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, improve community engagement in decision making, and ensure the organizational sustainable development.

In 2022, the Mongolian Red Cross Society reached more than 11,000 people under its disaster response and early recovery programmes and more than 1.4M people through its long-term services and development programmes.