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USAID responds to drought in Moldova

Most Recent Disaster Declaration:

Drought, 08-24-2007

Extremely high temperatures and minimal rainfall during the 2007 summer led to widespread drought conditions in 28 of Moldova's 32 regions. According to a joint assessment by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and U.N. World Food Program (WFP), the drought impacted 84 percent of Moldova's arable land, leading to national economic losses of approximately $406.7 million in failed crops and livestock deaths. The FAO/WFP assessment further indicated that farmers lacked the financial means to purchase seeds for the fall 2007 planting season. On July 26, President Vladimir Voronin declared the drought in Moldova to be a disaster. The Government of Moldova indicated that farmers need approximately 4,000 metric tons of seeds for fall planting.

On August 24, U.S. Chargé d'Affaires Kelly A. Keiderling declared a disaster due to the impact of lost crops, livestock, and livelihoods on Moldova's largely agriculture-based economy. In response, USAID/OFDA provided $50,000 through USAID/Moldova for the local purchase and distribution of seeds to drought-affected farmers and continued to work with USAID/Moldova to monitor the drought situation.