This report details the results of the expert community scoring tool (ECoST), deployed by the Centre for Sustainable Peace and Democratic Development (SeeD) from February to August 2024 in ten localities across Moldova. ECoST was implemented using a deliberative mixed-method format, involving local officials, civil servants and civil society representatives. The primary aim was to gather expert assessments of social tensions at the local level, focusing on dimensions such as governance, socio-economic well-being and intergroup relations.
ECoST was part of the Social Tensions Monitoring Mechanism (STMM), an innovative research tool designed to understand and monitor societal dynamics in Moldova. Specifically, it draws on the household survey component of the STMM, conducted from December 2023 to January 2024 across Moldova. It complements the household survey in two ways: first, by enriching its findings with a more detailed evaluation of community dynamics; and second, by identifying and offering more targeted interventions to address specific local needs.
To allow for a more thorough examination of perceptional and objective conditions of social tensions, SeeD is publishing the results in two separate volumes; Understanding Social Tensions in Moldova: A household survey; and Understanding Social Tensions in Moldova: An expert assessment of community dynamics. For better comprehension, SeeD recommends that the two documents are read sequentially, starting with the household survey report.
Data of the expert community scoring can be accessed by clicking on the following links: and