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Moldova + 1 more

Situation Overview: Căușeni Raion, Area Based Assessment (ABA), December 2024 | Republic of Moldova


Context & Rationale

Considered to be one of most hazard-exposed states in the world, the Republic of Moldova is threatened by many co-existing and co-dependent problems, being also among the most socio-economically vulnerable states in Europe. As such, the consequences of climatic events are not easily contained; instead, they exacerbate socio-economic deprivation which often cascades down into a reduction in community resilience. This is especially clear given the vulnerability of agriculture to natural hazards and its significance in rural Moldovan communities. Furthermore, in the context of displacement and conflict in the neighbouring Ukraine, it is also important to understand the needs of oftentimes isolated refugee communities in rural areas. In this context, the present area-based assessment (ABA) aimed to identify the primary needs of the host and refugee communities in four localities in the Căușeni raion, assessing the availability and accessibility of essential services, evaluating social cohesion and integration among the two communities, and understanding coping capacity and response structures to natural hazards.

Key Messages

• About a third of both the refugee and host community households had a monthly income lower than the national average, indicating significant economic vulnerability.

• Both respondent groups showed clear patterns of need, with food, health and economic assistance being the highest reported priorities.

• The relationship between the two communities was described as good by a majority of households across both surveyed groups.

• Most refugee households indicated they had access to long term accommodation, which may be partly facilitated by familial and personal connections among the local host community.

• Most refugee households described they had been in Moldova for most of their displacement, and indicated they were planning on remaining in the mid-term. FGD participants commonly expressed wanting to return to Ukraine when the war ended.

• Surveyed communities faced significant natural hazards, with drought, sudden temperature changes, and hail being the most reported risks.

• Schools emerged as a key actor in disaster-risk preparedness, as all service providers explained that regular trainings and emergency drills were conducted and most mentioned their schools had an emergency plan in place.