The Roma population is an ethnic minority group in the Republic of Moldova. Estimated to make up about 0.3 % of the total population, the Roma communities are represented by 1 Baron (i.e. formal leader) and 43 officially appointed community mediator, known as mediator comunitar (MC). Each MC is employed by local public administration and represents a community of at least 100 Roma individuals.
The main obligations of MCs are to assist the Roma people to obtain relevant public and socialservices. This report summarizes the findings of a needs assessment conducted by Acted and provides insights into the profiles, status, challenges and needs of Roma community in Moldova.
Data was collected in November 2022 through structured Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) with 35 MCs, 20 female and 15 male. Invitation to participate in the assessment was shared with all MCs, of which 8 were not available to participate.
Challenges and limitations:
Total population estimates of Roma population in Moldova vary greatly. Depending on the source, the number ranges from 9,000 (Population Census, 2014) to 100,000 individuals (KII). A known population size of the Roma population in Moldova is therefore difficult to determine.
Disaggregate numeric data (e.g. individuals by age group, people living with disabilities, gender, shelter status) was mostly provided as total numbers but occasionally supplemented with estimated percentages. The demographic and vulnerability data is therefore based on calculations considering both numerical and percental data. Similarly, data on gender proportion for adults (18-59) was gathered while other age groups, namely children (0 – 17) and elderly (60+), was not and therefore estimated based on Moldovan average (52.14% female / 47.86% male).