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Moldova + 1 more

CEB disbursed a grant for financing healthcare services provided in the Republic of Moldova to Ukraine refugees

Paris - The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) disbursed on 16 December 2022 a grant amounting to €900 000 to the Republic of Moldova through the Migrant and Refugee Fund (MRF). The grant will support the provision of healthcare services to refugees from Ukraine via the Moldovan national health system.

The grant covers medical expenditures for around 2500 treated cases of refugees from Ukraine. Around 70% of the cases were treated by Moldovan institutions at the central and municipal level, with the rest being treated by district institutions. Close to 90% of the cases represent general program services, followed by Covid-19 cases, day surgeries, special programs and hemodialysis sessions.

The grant was disbursed to the Moldovan National Medical Insurance Company, which – through the mandatory medical assistance insurance fund – will reimburse the medical institutions that have provided hospital services to refugees. The grant agreement was signed on 9 August 2022 in Chișinău, by the Minister of Health, Ala Nemerenco and was ratified by the Parliament on 6 October 2022.

The CEB is a bank implementing socially oriented investment projects, and the MRF – a trust fund established by the CEB, intended to help its member states manage emergency situations related to migrants and refugees hosted on their territories.

Set up in 1956, the CEB (Council of Europe Development Bank) has 42 member states. Twenty-two Central, Eastern and South Eastern European countries, forming the Bank's target countries, are listed among the member states. As a major instrument of the policy of solidarity in Europe, the Bank finances social projects by making available resources raised in conditions reflecting the quality of its rating (Aa1 with Moody's, outlook stable, AAA with Standard & Poor's, outlook stable, AA+ with Fitch Ratings, outlook positive and AAA* with Scope Ratings, outlook stable). It thus grants loans to its member states, and to financial institutions and local authorities in its member states for the financing of projects in the social sector, in accordance with its Articles of Agreement. *unsolicited