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IOM Micronesia: Typhoon Maysak - Situation Report; May 1, 2015



  • The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Micronesia continues to work under the leadership of the State and FSM National Governments, and in tandem with local partners, to identify and meet immediate humanitarian needs emerging from Typhoon Maysak.
  • In Chuuk, IOM is supporting the Chuuk State Emergency Operations Center (EOC) priorities of water, food, hygiene and shelter assistance. IOM is coordinating with Micronesia Red Cross Society (MRCS) and State-level Departments in providing targeted assistance to meet key relief needs.
  • In Yap, IOM‘s focus is now on the distribution of locally-procured food, in addition to continued delivery of shelter materials and decentralized water production, as prioritized by the Disaster Coordination Officer and other government partners.
  • A charter flight funded by USAID delivered water treatment supplies, water containers, and plastic sheeting from pre-positioned stocks in Dubai to Yap and Chuuk on April 22.
  • Through the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Government of Japan donated jerry cans and water purifiers to the Government of the FSM. As of April 27, twenty of these have been distributed by IOM to islands in Ulithi atoll. Distribution of 35 water purifiers for Chuuk is targeted at health dispensaries in the most vulnerable areas within the lagoon islands.
  • Financial support from the Australian Government for shelter and hygiene materials, in addition to logistics efforts, has been vital to IOM’s continued lifesaving initiatives in Chuuk and Yap States. Additionally, the FSM Government’s two patrol boats provided by Australia have been extensively used to support relief operations.
  • On April 28, President Barack Obama issued a Presidential Disaster Declaration (PDD) in response to the damage caused by Typhoon Maysak in the FSM. The PDD enables US funding to be released for the reconstruction and restoration of housing and public infrastructure.