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Federated States of Micronesia - Tropical Cyclone Maysak Situation Report: April 6, 2015



Chuuk State is an island group in the western half of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) and is located about 621 miles (1,000 kilometers) southeast of Guam. The lagoon is 140 miles across (225 kilometers) with 11 high mangrove fringed islands, and 14 additional outlying atolls and low lying islands outside the lagoon which make up Chuuk State. The population as of the 2010 FSM Chuuk State Census was 48,651. The islands in the main lagoon (including Faichuuk and Namoneas have a combined population of approximately 35,000 people while the outer islands (including Mortlocks and Hall) have a combined population of 14,000. Approximately 70% of Chuuk’s population lives outside the main island of Weno, where there is limited infrastructure.

Yap State consists of 18 populated islands and atolls stretching across over 100,000 square miles (259,067 square kilometers). There are four major islands: Yap, Gagil-Tomil, Maap and Rumung. To the East and South of Yap island there are 18 inhabited islands and atolls: Ngulu, Fadarai, Mogmog, Asor, Falaop Ulithi, Fais, Eauripik, Falalis, Wottegai, Seliap, Tagailap, Falalop Woleai, Ifalik, Feraulap, Piig, Elato, Lamotrek, and Satawal. The population as of the 2010 FSM Yap State census was 11,376.

On March 27 Typhoon Maysak entered FSM waters and crossed directly over Chuuk State as a Category 2 Typhoon on March 28 and 29. It increased in strength as it continued to Yap State on March 31 and April 1. Governor Johnson Elimo of Chuuk and Governor Tony Ganngiyan of Yap each declared a State of Emergency on March 30 and 1 April, respectively. FSM President Mori declared a National State of Emergency on March 30 for Chuuk and amended it to include Yap following that state’s declaration. A combination of local, national, and international human and financial resources are being mobilized to meet urgent humanitarian needs.