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Dengue Virus Type-3 Outbreak, Yap State: Situational Report #8 Epi Week #37: September 9-15, 2019 - Report Date: September 19, 2019


Outbreak Overview

A total of 77 new DLI cases were seen during epi week 37 (34% increase from week 36) bringing the total of 619 cases since January 1, 2019. 22 cases had positive RDT this week totaling 158 RDT positive cases (146 NS1 and 12 IgM). Majority of RDT positive cases (81%) are children under the age of 20 years old. The overall attack rate for Yap is 16.3/1000. The highest attack rate (5.5% ) are among the age group10-14 years. 10 cases were admitted, bringing the total of admissions up to 56 in all. Out of the 10 admissions, 6 cases had DHF bringing the total of DHF up to 29. 3 out of the 10 admissions had leptospirosis co-infection, bringing the total of co-infection admission up to 19. Rehydration visits this week was 27, bringing the total up to 416. Still one death is associated with dengue outbreak.

Case Definition

An acute fever illness of at least 2 days with two or more of the following: headache; pain in or behind the eyes; muscle aches; joint aches; rash; low white blood cell count; or evidence of bleeding.