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Dengue Virus Type-3 Outbreak, Yap State: Situational Report #11 Epi Week #40: September 30-October 06, 2019 - Report Date: October 9, 2019


Outbreak Overview

A total of 66 new DLI cases were seen during epi week 40 (12% decrease from week 39) bringing the total of 826 cases since January 1, 2019. 34 cases had positive RDT this week (70 % increase from week 39) bringing the total positive RDT of 241 (222 NS1 and 19 IgM). 11 cases were admitted, bringing the total of admissions up to 86 in all. Out of the 11 admissions, 4 cases had DHF bringing the total of DHF up to 44.

There was no admission cases with leptospirosis coinfection in week 40. Rehydration visits this week was 85, bringing the total up to 606.

There have been two deaths attributed to this dengue outbreak.