The Special Rapporteur on the right to food visited Mexico from 13 to 20 June 2011. In sections II and III of the present report, he reviews the current situation of food insecurity and the legal and policy framework. In section IV (food availability), he identifies the need to target agricultural support programmes to the needs of small-scale farmers in disadvantaged areas, then in section V (food accessibility) he explores the efforts made to strengthen social programmes; to ensure a decent living for workers, including agricultural day labourers; to ensure adequate protection against the effects of major development projects; and to improve access to services for remote rural communities through “sustainable rural towns”. In section VI (food adequacy), he addresses the growing problem of overweight and obesity and its relationship with food and nutrition policies. In section VII (sustainability), he comments on the introduction of transgenic maize and on the need for a more sustainable use of water resources. The Special Rapporteur concludes the report with recommendations (section VIII) for the Government of Mexico.