This SNAPSHOT summarizes the findings of Protection Monitoring conducted in Tapachula, Mexico in July and August 2021 as part of the humanitarian intervention of the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) and the Jesuit Refugee Service Mexico (JRS). To view the interactive Dashboard with the results from this period and from the beginning of the Protection Monitoring program, click here.
Tapachula continues to be the most visible point of entry for mixed migration flows moving towards Mexico, including mainly individuals who present an intention to remain in the country. During July, there was a significant increase in diverse profiles of persons of concern in Tapachula, with greater presence of Haitian nationals, overwhelming the administrative procedure to initiate the refugee status determination process before the Tapachula delegation of the Comisión Mexicana de Ayuda a Refugiados (COMAR). In August, arrivals of flights carrying individuals expelled from the United States under the public health measures known as Title 42 were documented at the Tapachula airport, creating additional confusion and further burdening the organizations and agencies providing attention to persons of concern.
These situations and the measures taken to address them contributed to an increase in frustration and desperation amongst the population of the concern, aggravated by the restrictions on movement within Mexican territory and have provoked protests and collective movements from Tapachula towards other parts of the republic.