To date, this Emergency Appeal, which seeks 18 million CHF, is 13 per cent funded. Further funding contributions are needed to enable the National Societies in the region, with the support of the IFRC, to continue with the preparedness efforts of and provide humanitarian assistance and protection to people on the move. Click here for the donor response. The funding needs for the Red Cross Society of Panama are 3.4 million CHF, of which so far only 7% has been funded through donors and DREF loans.
An Emergency Appeal for 18MM CHF (MDR43008) was launched on 29 July 2022 aimed to increase the reach of the Red Cross Societies of Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico to scale up assistance to 210,000 people to provide humanitarian assistance and protection to people on the move along migratory routes, including through more effective preparedness and responses, strengthened capacities, and risk reduction.
The EA was launched as a trigger to facilitate immediate actions to address the humanitarian needs of migrants, returnees, and host communities. It was launched under the Global Program to address the significant increase on people in transit and returnees throughout Central America and Mexico. As 31 August 2023, the coverage of 13% equivalent to 2,293,368 CHF. Taking in account 1,000,000 CHF correspond to the loan of DREFs. The Red Cross Society of Panama (RCSP) has received so far 7% of the funding requirements set forth in its operating strategy.