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Colima, Mexico earthquake assistance update

So far Direct Relief has received $1220 in cash donations for assistance in the aftermath of the Mexico earthquake. All of it will be sent to Mexico.
Thomas Tighe, President and CEO of Direct Relief International stated:

"We were in close touch with the governmental and nongovernmental groups in Colima from the outset and offered our medical assistance. They have advised that the medical needs are being met fully by the local Mexican facilities, and the highest need is cash for victim assistance and reconstruction. We believe the local Rotary Club of Colima is in the best position to address these needs, and we have decided to pass all funds that we receive for the earthquake directly to the Rotary Club of Colima. Direct Relief has worked closely for over 30 years with Rotary International and individual Rotary Clubs in Santa Barbara and around the world. We have the highest confidence that donors' funds will be carefully and prudently spent by the Rotary Club to assist victims during this difficult period."