The strategy has been developed through extensive societal dialogue initiated since 2018.
The CCS identifies four strategic priorities that will help attain of this overarching goal:
Building resilient health systems to advance UHC
Strengthening emergency preparedness and response
Promoting health and healthy environments for all Mauritians through multisectoral engagement
Supporting use of data and innovation for integrated, people-centred care
To achieve the above-mentioned strategic priorities, WHO will pursue an integrated approach with dialogues and complementarities across programmes, disciplines and sectors in providing leadership in health and promoting good health and the well-being of all people in Mauritius.
WHO will harness global knowledge to help deliver evidence-informed, context-specific, and innovative solutions that will benefit all Mauritians. WHO will continue to work closely with development partners, including other United Nations agencies, and other multilateral and bilateral partners. The joint work will be guided by the Sustainable Development Goals, Mauritius Vision 2030, the Government Programme 2020-2024, the HSSP 2020-2024, the United Nations Strategic Partnership Framework 2019–2023, WHO's Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW 13) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2024-2028.