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Mauritania + 1 more

WFP Mauritania Country Brief, June 2024


In Numbers

79,665 vulnerable people assisted

28,130 mt of food distributed

US$ 852,850 in cash transferred

US$ 25.9 million six-month net funding requirements (July - December 2024)

Operational Updates

Refugee response in the Mbera Refugee Camp: In June, WFP delivered cash assistance to 74,558 people (of which 52,471 were women) in addition to providing 553 children aged 6 to 59 months (of which 270 were girls) and 267 pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls with specialized nutritious food to treat moderate acute malnutrition. 2024 Lean Season Response: In preparation for the 2024 lean season, WFP completed the targeting and verification of households in Kankossa, a department in the region of Assaba,and finalized the list of beneficiaries and distribution plan for the first cycle.

Integrated Resilience Package(IRP)

School Feeding: WFP’s activities continued during the summer holiday period by formalizing the cash-in-school pilot design, recruiting technical assistance for the Ministry of Education, conducting workshops to promote the National School Feeding Programme (PRONAS, in French), and preparing for the upcoming school year. Treatment of moderate acute malnutrition: WFP provided specialized nutritious food (RUSF and Super Cereal) to 4,509 children aged 6 to 59 months (2,619 girls) and 119 pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls in 156 outpatient nutritional rehabilitation centres for moderate malnutrition (CRENAMs, in French). WFP ensures that beneficiaries are fully informed on how to correctly use the supplements provided and how it contributes to improve their nutritional status. This sensitization aims to enhance understanding, increase adherence, and ensure the success of the MAM treatment program. Food assistance for assets (FFA): WFP has signed field-level agreements (FLAs) with its cooperating partners from June 2024 to May 2025. From 25 to 28 June, WFP organized a capacity-building workshop for partners on the implementation of the Integrated Resilience Package (IRP).

From 4 to 5 June, WFP conducted a gender workshop on the roadmap for mainstreaming gender in the IRP. The roadmap aims to incorporate a transformative gender approach in all components of the IRP. Moreover, WFP and its cooperating partners (ADICOR and COOPI in Hodh El Chargui, AU SECOURS in Assaba, Tenmiya and GRADD in Guidimakha) carried out a joint mission in Guidimakha on the decentralized technical services of the state (the Regional Delegation for Agriculture, Environment, and the Food Safety Commission (CSA, in French) from 10 to 15 June. The mission provided an opportunity to monitor the state of implementation of the latest Operational Plan (a comprehensive planning document outlining the scheduled field activities, associated budget, timelines, and specific project locations) and covering the period from November 2023 to April 2024 and to make recommendations on the quality of assets.

Capacity-strengthening: During the month of June, WFP has made significant progress in supporting the National Food and Nutrition Crisis Response Mechanism (DCAN, in French), particularly in the final phase of the data server (SAP) for the Food Safety Observatory (OSA, in French). WFP has also been exploring the development of a social protection internet portal for Mauritania by establishing a working group led by WFP. In collaboration with UNHCR, WFP is defining a roadmap to allow refugees to benefit from national social protection programmes. From 31 May to 5 June, WFP HQ conducted an in-country support mission for the development of technical work plans aimed at improving early warning systems within the Anticipatory Action (AA) framework. The mission included information sessions with the WFP Country Office team on the AA portfolio and a working session with the AA and the pan-African disaster risk management (ARC) technical working group members to gather information on the SAP.

Gender: WFP held a capacity-building workshop from 25 to 28 June with its cooperating partners for the IRP. Participants received training on assessing the capacities of cooperating partners in protection against sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA) and their skills in PEAS were assessed before contracts were signed. Additionally, ongoing training sessions on gender and protection issues, along with monthly coordination meetings, will be organized throughout the year for the Gender and Protection Focal Points (GPFP).

The United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) transported 131 passengers and 247 kg of cargo connecting Nouakchott to Bassikounou, Kiffa, and Nema via 22 in-country rotations.