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Mauritania + 1 more

WFP Mauritania Country Brief, August/September 2024


In Numbers

108,301 vulnerable people assisted

4,945 mt of food distributed

US$ 1,238,894 in cash transferred

US$ 13.6 million six-month net funding requirements (October 2024 - March 2025)

Operational Updates

Refugee response in the M’bera Refugee Camp: In August, WFP delivered cash assistance to 77,965 people (of which 42,647 were women/girls) and provided 550 children aged 6 to 59 months (257 girls) and 272 pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls (PBWG) with specialized nutritious food to supplement moderate acute malnutrition (MAM). In September, WFP’s cash assistance reached 80,549 people (of which 44,060 women), while 495 children (244 girls) and 179 PBGW received the specialized nutritious food for MAM supplementation. The difference in terms of the number of refugees reached in August and September (increase of 2,584) represents the continued influx of refugees into the camp considering ongoing conflict in neighbouring Mali. 2024 Lean Season Response: In August, WFP's third round of cash assistance as part of the Government’s lean season response in the Kankossa Department (Assaba region) reached 26,899 vulnerable people. In September, WFP assisted 26,893 people via the provision of cash transfers. During both months, a cash top-up to prevent malnutrition, benefiting 1,670 children aged 6 to 23 months and 1,737 pregnant and breastfeeding women, was also provided. These activities were accompanied by sensitizations vis-à-vis the importance of a healthy diet and adequate nutrition practices. While WFP managed to ensure assistance during the lean season to the targeted communities thanks to its donor contributions, the national lean season response was stalled due to the political context, with most government-led transfers not taking place during this reporting period. Prevention of malnutrition: In August and September, WFP provided guidance to cooperating partners in Assaba, Guidimakha and Hodh El Chargui on integrating nutrition activities into the resilience package focusing on the prevention of all forms of malnutrition. Additionally, WFP conducted a training from 4-5 September for 7 staff members of the Government’s Food Security Commission (CSA, in French) and the Directorate of Nutrition, on the use of the Nutrition Data Management Dashboard tool, developed by WFP, CSA and the NGO SIC4CHANGE. On 25-27 September, WFP participated in a national workshop to validate Mauritania's nutrition framework documents (Nutrition MultiSectoral Action Plan 2025-2027, Nutrition Strategic Plan 2025- 2030). In August, WFP provided specialized nutritious food (RUSF and Super Cereal) to 1,190 children aged 6 to 59 months (627 were girls) with a recovery rate of 98 percent, in 107 outpatient nutritional rehabilitation centres for moderate malnutrition (CRENAM) in Assaba, Guidimakha and Hodh El Chargui. While in September, 1,032 children (502 girls) were treated in 107 CRENAMs in Assaba, with a 100 percent recovery rate.