In Numbers
208 mt of food, including specialized nutritious food distributed
USD 1.9 m cash-based transfers made USD 7 m for six months (September 2021 – February 2022) net funding requirements
165,810 people assisted in August 2021
Operational Updates
• Whilst WFP priority continues to be increasing the coverage and adequacy of social protection system, through the crucial May-October period, when people’s food stocks run out and market prices are the highest,
WFP steps in helping the most vulnerable communities, by providing monthly cash transfers to vulnerable families, allowing them to put food on the table and protect their livelihoods. In August, WFP distributed the second cycle of cash assistance, coupled with malnutrition prevention programme, to the most food insecure populations in Assaba,Hodh El Charghi, Guidimakha and Gorgol regions, reaching a total 58,646 households.
• In Mbera camp, August general food and cash distributions were coupled with July distributions (63,599 people reached). In parallel, WFP reached 1,073 PLWGs with prevention of malnutrition activities (7 mt of fortified food distributed). However, children aged 6-59 months could not be assisted due to operational constraints.
Overall, 422 children and 190 PLWGs were reached by treatment of malnutrition activities (3 mt of food distributed). The remedial summer courses have not yet started.
• School feeding activities were not implemented due to the closure of schools for the summer break.
Nevertheless, WFP is working to finalize the identification of schools eligible for school feeding activities in the next school year.
• As part of food assistance for assets (FFA) activities, the first mission to take aerial photographs by drone for territorial diagnoses and monitoring of activities was carried out in Guidimakha, Hodh El Charghi, and Assaba.
In addition, WFP launched tree planting activities for the first time in Mauritania, in Guidimakha and Assaba region.
The activities target four sites and 13 hectares.
Approximately 7,600 trees are being planted. Several environmental benefits will result from this activity.
• As part of the integrated resilience package, WFP implemented malnutrition treatment activities benefitting 13,440 children and pregnant and lactating women and girls (PLWGs) in the regions of Guidimakha,
Gorgol, Tagant, Assaba and Hodh El Charghi. WFP undertook a field mission in Tagant to monitor the implementation of the activities.
• With the aim of strengthening governmental capacities to manage food-security, nutrition and social protection policies and programmes, WFP continues to work for the establishing of a national preparedness and response scheme. In August, the decrees for the establishment of the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) and its technical support unit (TSU), which will ensure the functionality of the National Scheme for Prevention and Response to Food and Nutritional Crises, are in the process of finalization.
• In August, the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS) transported 132 passengers and over 492 kg of light cargo connecting Nouakchott to Kiffa and Bassikounou, through 35 in-country rotations.
• As part of WFP’s annual capacity strengthening plan, gender training sessions were held at WFP field offices of Kaedi, Bassikounou and Kiffa to improve the knowledge and the understanding of WFP staff and partners of gender-sensitive approach and tools for programme activity planning, implementation, and monitoring.