Summary of adjustments made to the emergency plan of action:
This update is published to inform partners and stakeholders about the progress of implementation since the start of the operation (end of August 2022), and to inform about the no-cost extension of the intervention period by 2 months.
Mauritanian Red Crescent (MRC) has experienced delays in the implementation of the DREF operation activities due to delays in receiving the funds and difficulties with the procurement process of shelters and NFI kits (one of the main actions of this appeal), challenges that have prevented the MRC from conducting all DREF activities within the initially planned period.
The objectives remain as planned in the DREF PoA and within the same allocation. The two-month extension will allow the MRC to carry out the remaining activities:
• PDM surveys (CVA distributions)
• The acquisition and distribution of shelters and NFI kits (wash, hygiene, and kitchen kits) which is currently being validated
• Training sessions (3) for 60 volunteers on distribution and shelter techniques
• Health and hygiene awareness sessions
• PDM surveys for shelter and NFI distribution