Appeal Target: US$ 241,464
Geneva, 16 December 2009
Dear Colleagues,
Heavy rains have caused loss of human life, destruction of social and economic infrastructures, homes, and displacement of people in temporary camps in Trarza and Brakna, two regions in south-west Mauritania. Through the previous ACT Appeal, MRT091, Lutheran World Federation - Department of World Service (LWF-DWS) has provided support to people living in camps near Rosso, the capital of Trarza Region. Funding of the first two-month intervention amounted to 71,379 US dollars and focused on emergency aid as well as water and sanitation to flood-affected people.
In the meantime, school has resumed and half the families from the camps have returned to their homes in Rosso. However, having returned home their living conditions are still abominable due to infestations of mosquitoes, flooded septic tanks and debris everywhere. There is urgent need for potable water as the water supplies are contaminated and shelters and sanitation facilities are in dire need of rehabilitation.
This Appeal will not only focus on the flood-affected people from Rosso but also on 823 families living in seven municipalities in Brakna, who have previously not received any support. Properly surveyed this time, and with the cold winter season rapidly approaching, LWF-DWS is now able to include them in this rehabilitation phase. This will enable them to resume their lives /pick their lives up, improve their extremely difficult living conditions and reach the accepted minimum standard of living.
The ACT member in this Appeal is the LWF-DWS program in Mauritania which has carried out a joint assessment with its implementing partners the Network of Human Rights and Development of Trarza and a national NGO "Au Secours". The three organizations have visited sites both in Rosso and in the seven municipalities in Brakna and have indicated a total of 2,823 needy households or 14,115 people who need support. The timeframe of the Appeal is four months.