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Marshall Islands

Dengue-3 Outbreak in Republic of the Marshall Islands, June 25– Sept 29, 2019 - Situation Report Date: Sept 29, 2019


Outbreak Overview

Cases: To date there have been 607 suspect cases of which 161 have been lab confirmed. This is outbreak week #20 in Ebeye and #7 in Majuro. No cases yet in outer atolls. Symptom and age profile of cases is typical for dengue fever. One death and one severe dengue patient evacuated out-of-country to date. .

Organization of Response: EpiNet team in Ebeye and the RMI national Epinet teams were both activated on July 16, with daily meetings currently. Presidential Declaration of Health Emergency and activation of multi-ministry and NGO National Emergency Operations Center on August 6 with weekly meetings. RMI Dengue Response Plan finalized Aug 6. Weekly conference calls with technical assistance partners also being held.

Case Definitions (based on PPHSN):
Suspected case: Acute fever > 2 days with two or more of the following: anorexia and nausea; aches and pains; rash; low white blood cell count; tourniquet test positive; warning signs (abdominal pain or tenderness; persistent vomiting; mucosal bleeding; liver enlargement >2 cm; fluid accumulation; lethargy, restlessness; increase in hematocrit with decrease in platelets).
Confirmed case: Suspected case with lab confirmation (+Rapid test (for NS1 or IgM) or +PCR test)