In Numbers
738,796 people assisted
1,885 mt of food assistance distributed
US$ 5.3 million distributed in cash-based transfers
US$ 61.4 million next six-month (Dec 2024 - May 2025) net funding requirements, representing 55 percent of the total gap
Operational Updates
- Food Assistance to Crisis-affected Persons: WFP's efforts were directed at finalizing the assistance to people more severely impacted by the agricultural lean season and by the catastrophic flooding. WFP provided food and nutrition assistance to almost 48,000 flood-affected persons.
- Nutrition: to prevent moderate acute malnutrition (MAM), WFP reached 81,403 children (aged 6-23 months) and 38,316 pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls (PBWGs). For MAM supplementation, WFP reached 49,531 children 6-59 months and 13,777 PBWs. To prevent chronic acute malnutrition, WFP assisted 31,611 children aged 6 to 23 months and 38,617 PBWG. Modalities include in-kind contributions and e-vouchers, enabling beneficiaries to purchase locally sourced nutritious products. WFP and UNICEF are jointly working on a new strategic approach for child wasting, including curative and preventive interventions.
- School Feeding: it is estimated that the 2024-25 academic year, which started in November, will see a 50 percent reduction in beneficiaries due to limited resources. This notwithstanding, WFP will support 100,000 pupils, 1,000 cooks, and 10,000 adolescent girls. As part of the integrated resilience package, 80 schools will be supplied by local smallholder farmers’ organizations.
- Social Safety Nets: through the Unified Social Registry, WFP reached 58,438 vulnerable people including those affected by floods. WFP signed an MoU with Mali’s Directorate of Social Protection and UNICEF to strengthen social protection systems.
- Resilience: about 185,000 people benefited from the integrated resilience package, including 24,000 participants in community asset creation and 1,200 smallholder farmers (of which 51 percent are women) trained in planning, implementation, and financial management. As part of the program, WFP provided agricultural support, environmental management, and agribusiness training to 60 youths, and supported 10 master’s students selected to conduct their final dissertation research on WFP resilience-building projects. To this end, WFP worked with 14 cooperating partners and 6 government entities. As part of the activities to strengthen nutrition-sensitive value chains, WFP completed the deployment of 66 production and processing units, which will be fully equipped and functional in the coming months.
- UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS): UNHAS remains committed to reaching vulnerable populations in remote areas, having served 10 regular destinations and 1 ad hoc, transporting 3,217 passengers and 36.7 metric tons of cargo. However, fuel shortages in Mopti and Gao and restricted airfield access in Menaka and Ansongo have disrupted operations. Only 24 of the 105 flights to Menaka were approved, and 8 of 32 to Ansongo. On 17 September, UNHAS lost two aircraft in a security incident in Bamako and have since restored its capacity. In response to OCHA's request, UNHAS conducted a successful reconnaissance flight to Kidal on 13 November and added it to its regular destinations, with two monthly flights starting in December.