In Numbers
833 676 people assisted in May 2023
58 mt of food assistance distributed
US$ 746 867 million cash-based transfers made
US$ 104.7 million six-month (June - November 2023) net funding requirements, representing 57 percent of total requirements
Operational Updates
• The current funding for the lean season allows WFP to target about 78,000 people only. To make a meaningful impact on communities, WFP will focus its emergency food assistance and nutrition interventions (100 percent rations) on populations in IPC Phase 4 and IPC Phase 5 levels, especially in the region of Menaka where IPC Phase 5 caseloads are present and where humanitarian assistance is most limited.
• The Humanitarian Response Plan for Mali reports that 8.8 million people need humanitarian assistance in 2023,
17.3 percent higher than in 2022.
• Food assistance: In the first quarter of 2023, WFP provided emergency food assistance to around 200,000 people of which more than half are internally displaced.
• Nutrition. WFP’s preventive and treatment of malnutrition activities reached more than 100,000 children under five years old and close to 50,000 pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.
• Integrated resilience: WFP provided 75,000 persons (monthly average reach) with unconditional cash transfers to support them with purchasing for their basic needs and assisted 400,000 persons with asset creation, and support to smallholder farmers.
• UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS): UNHAS continues to serve 150 agencies, transporting an average of 1,500 passengers and 6 mt of light cargo monthly. It has also started receiving cargo at its Bamako and Mopti offices.