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WFP Mali Country Brief, July - August 2024


In Numbers

501,023 people assisted

189.1 mt of food assistance distributed

US$ 5.7 million distributed in cash-based transfers

US$ 58.1 million next six-months (Sep 2024 - Feb 2025) net funding requirements, representing 55 percent of the total needs

Operational Updates

  • WFP's programmatic priorities from July to August focused on responding to the lean season and urgent floods.

  • Food assistance to crisis-affected people: WFP assisted over 500,000 people in 8 regions through value vouchers and in-kind.

  • Nutrition: Under crisis response, WFP assisted 27,559 children aged 6-59 months and 2,860 pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls (PBWGs) for moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) supplementation; and 102,000 children aged 6-23 months and 64,565 PBWG for prevention of acute malnutrition. WFP also assisted 630 people living with HIV and 4,721 caretakers. To prevent chronic malnutrition (resilience program), WFP provided support to 44,039 children aged 6-23 months and 42,048 PBWGs through e-vouchers to purchase local nutritious products. In terms of nutrition-sensitive value chain/food system, 16 agricultural processing and conservation units have been built and equipped.

  • Resilience: Through its social protection activities, WFP reached 131,286 beneficiaries (over 20,000 households) with US$ 1.6 million in cash transfers, helping them withstand systemic shocks. Memorandums of Understanding with Mali’s Directorate of Social Protection and the National Platform to Reduce Risks and Catastrophes are underway. WFP worked with 14 cooperating partners to create 13 community assets, engaging 10,781 people (41 percent women). Additionally, over 3,000 household received cash transfers for resilience-related activities. Through SAMS activities, 59 training sessions reached 3,621 producers (88 percent women) on soil management and seed quality. Twelve provision activities were carried out to enhance beneficiary productivity, supplying items such as fodder seeds, livestock feed, fish fingerlings, conservation cages, and horticultural seeds. This led to the production of 135 tons of market garden products, with 115.3 tons sold and 1 ton processed, generating 15,175,500 XOF (estimated US$ 25,800) in sales.

  • UN Humanitarian Air Service (UNHAS): from July to August 2024, UNHAS served 9 regular destinations, transporting 2,523 passengers and 21 mt of cargo remaining the safest and fastest way to reach populations in remote areas. Since November, UNHAS has faced significant access challenges in Menaka with irregular airfield securitisation by FAMa resulting in only 16 of 70 scheduled flights being authorised. This is further compounded by adverse weather conditions expected to persist until mid to late September. Consequently, UNHAS service delivery has suffered a 23 percent reduction in passengers compared to the same period in 2023. Persistent fuel shortages in Gao and Mopti, exacerbated by the volatile security situation in the Sahel and the closure of the Niger-Benin border, have disrupted supply chains and complicated surface deliveries. As a result, cargo demand by air increased by 7 percent compared to 2023.