As of December 31 2017, there remain over 38,000 internally displaced and 526,500 returnee in Mali.
During the last quarter of 2017, a total of 77 incidents of grave child rights violations were reported including recruitment and use of children, killing, rape, attack against schools, and denial of humanitarian access. This brings the total to 370 incidents recorded in 2017.
120,437 children were treated for severe actute malnutrition; includuing 31,255 during the last quarter.
In 2017, a total of 117,144 people were provided access to permanent drinking water sources, through rehabilitation/construction of 46 water points.
During the last quarter, 331 survivors of Gender-Based Violence in conflict-affected areas received appropriate holistic care and support, of which 212 were children.
Overall in 2017, a total of 54,124 children living in regions affected by the conflict accessed non-formal education through accelerated learning or bridging programmes, as well as informal education through the creation of Community Learning Centers.
Situation in Numbers
2,072,000 children out of 3,700,000 people affected (HNO 2017)
302,000 children out of 422,000 people to be reached in 2017 (UNICEF HAC 2017)
38,172 Internally displaced people (CMP December 2017)
559 schools closed as of December 2017
3,530,000 people food insecure in 2017 (HNO 2017)
Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs
Displacement patterns remain fluid and complex in Mali. More than 30,000 newly displaced people were registered in 2017, 54 % of whom are children and women. As of December, 31 2017, there were 38,172 IDPs (7,716 households) and 526,505 returnees in Mali1 . The regions of Timbuktu (10,000 IDPs), Gao (8,000 IDPs) Menaka (7,300 IDPs), and Segou (6,700 IDPs), host the most internally displaced populations due to the incidents that affected these regions. Inter-communal conflicts, insecurity, clashes or the prospect of a possible clash between armed groups are the main motives that trigger new displacements. Main priority needs for IDPS and their host population include shelter and non-food items. In addition, 130,429 Malians are still refugees in neighbouring countries as of end of December 2017.
The last 2017 quarter was marked by targeted attacks and killings against civilians in the north resulting in a high number of victims of armed conflicts; sexual violence and attacks against schools. During the last 2017 quarter, a total of 77 incidents of child rights grave violations was reported including recruitment and use of children, killing, rape, attack against school and denial of humanitarian access. A total of 559 out of 2,380 schools remained closed at the end of December 2017, affecting around 167,700 children in the conflict-affected regions of Gao, Kidal, Mopti, Ségou and Timbuktu. This is an increase of 59 schools in comparison to the last quarter. Overall for 2017, this sums up to a total of 370 incidents for all the year 2017 (159 recruitment and use, 37 killing and maiming, 12 rape and other grave sexual violence, 5 abductions, 51 attacks on hospitals and schools and 106 denial of humanitarian access).
Despite the efforts made by the humanitarian community, the number of people in need has increased to 3.7 million persons in 2017, against 2.5 million in 2016. According to the last Cadre harmonisé, 4.1 million people are facing food insecurity. Among them 950.2002 people are in need of protection including 526,343 children; of whom one out of two needs psychosocial support.
In 2017, malnutrition remains a public health emergency, evidenced also by data from the 2017 national nutritional survey using the SMART methodology. In 2017, the prevalence of Global Acute Malnutrition in Gao and in Timbuktu reached ‘critical’ levels by WHO’s standards (15.2 percent and 15.7 percent, respectively), and ‘serious’ acute malnutrition rates were recorded in Kayes (west), Taoudénit (north) and the district of Bamako. Chronic malnutrition (stunting) also remains a significant problem with a national prevalence as high as 23.1 percent (nearly 1 in 4 children). The number of people in need of WASH services is estimated at 1.2 million, while 1.4 million of people are expected to not have access to health care, mainly in the Kidal region where 69% of health centres are non-functional.
Humanitarian actors continued to play a critical role in supporting life-saving interventions, by re-establishing basic social services and reinforcing social cohesion through peacebuilding at the community level. The Humanitarian community included UNICEF, contributed to priorities capacity building of communities to respond to and be resilient to crises, including natural hazards and conflict.