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UNICEF Mali Humanitarian Situation Report, July - September 2017



children out of 3,700,000 people affected
(HNO 2017)

children out of
422,000 people to be reached in 2017

Internally displaced people
(DNDS September 2017)

schools closed as of June 2017

people food insecure in 2017
(HNO 2017).

UNICEF Appeal 2017
US$ 35.2 million


  • As of September, 30 2017, the National Direction of Social Development (DNDS)registered a total of 58,594 internally displaced people and 498,170 returnees in country, while some 142,386 Malians refugees were accounted for in neighboring countries by UNHCR.

  • UNICEF in Mali, with the government and partners including FAO,
    WHO and WFP conducted a nationwide nutrition SMART survey for 2017. Results reveal that GAM prevalence remains high at 10.7%, while SAM rate is 2.6%. During the reporting quarter, 27,974 children were treated for severe acute malnutrition, including 2,826 with complications.

  • In the past three months, an additional 16, 000 people had access to permanent drinking water sources through rehabilitation/construction of 40 water points.

  • UNICEF health team supported the Government of Mali for the implementation of 4 phases of chemoprophylaxis against malaria in Dire district (Timbuktu) where 28,315 children aged between 3 months and 5 years old were protected.

  • A total of 1,528 children at risk of violence, abuse and exploitation received psychosocial support in Menaka, Ansongo and Kidal regions.

  • UNICEF in Mali continues advocating relentlessly at national, regional and local level, for the reopening of all schools to allow all children to access quality education in a safe environment, but also in communities to encourage families to send their children to school.

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

Displacement patterns in Mali remain complex and fluid.As of September 30, 2017, the DNDS National Direction of Social development registered a total of 58,594 internally displaced persons (11,013 households), 498,170 returnees, while some 142,386 Malians refugees were accounted for in neighbouring countries by UNHCR. New displacements continue to be reported, as a result of inter-communal conflicts, insecurity, clashes, or even the prospect of possible clashes between armed groups which are cited among the reasons given for these new displacements. Approximately 54 % of the internally displaced population are children (31,641, including 17,087 girls).

The security situation has continued to deteriorate in the centre and the north, characterized overall by asymmetrical attacks against institutional forces, banditry, intercommunal clashes. As a result, accessing affected populations remains a major challenge due to frequent attacks against the national army, MINUSMA forces and humanitarian organizations.

According to OCHA, attacks on humanitarian personnel, property and infrastructure constituted 79% of the access incidents between January and June 2017.Additionally, since 2016, community clashes have been registered in the centre of Mali (Segou and Mopti regions), leading to a further degradation of the humanitarian situation in this part of the country.

Despite the efforts made by the humanitarian community, the number of people in need has increased at 3.7 million in 2017, against 2.5 million in 2016. Among them, 3.53 million are facing food insecurity.The nutrition situation remains of great concern. According to the recent SMART survey conducted across the country, Global Acute Malnutrition prevalence remains high, with the children in Timbuktu and Gao regions being particularly affected by malnutrition.

More results show that in 2018, an estimated 630,000 children will face severe acute malnutrition. UNICEF and partners aim to ensure quality treatment for at least 107,000 children, mainly through the provision and distribution of Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF). The number of people in need of WASH is estimated at 1.2 million, while 1.4 million of people are expected to not have access to health care, mainly in the Kidal region where 69% of health centres are nonfunctional.

Humanitarian actors continued to play a critical role in supporting life-saving interventions, including by re-establishing basic social services and reinforcing social cohesion through peacebuilding at the community level. Capacity building of communities to respond to and enhance their resilience against crises, including natural hazards and conflict, remains a priority for the humanitarian community, including UNICEF.