1,237 Documented protection incidents
1,116 Persons on the move identified in mixed flows.
1,593 Households provided with Non-Food-Items kits in 2021.
1,688 Households provided with shelter assistance, in 2021.
Protection Cluster
■ In June 2021, the Protection Monitoring System recorded 1,237 protection incidents, which represents a drastic increase, reaching the highest level since the introduction of the protection monitoring system in Mali. This increase is attributed to the recording of forced population movements following multiple village attacks in the Mopti region. As a reminder, the Protection Monitoring system recorded 560 incidents in May.
■ In June, the Commission Mouvement de Populations (CMP) issued its report, which includes information on internally displaced persons (IDPs), IDP returnees, and refugee returnees. According to these data, the number of IDPs has risen from 372,266 in April 2021, to 386,454 as of 31 May, a 14,188 increase. The majority of IDPs live in Mopti, Gao, Timbuktu, Segou, and Menaka.