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Mali + 4 more

Mali: UNHCR Operational Update, March 2017



1,119 Refugee returnees and host community members participated in sensitization sessions on protection-related issues including social cohesion, early and forced marriages, excision and inter-community conflicts

280 Birth certificates were distributed to Mauritanian refugees in Kayes region to facilitate their access to civil documentation.


USD 40 million requested for the operation


  • 7 partners targeted to receive support and capacity development for the response of humanitarian needs of IDPs
  • 1,000 Malian refugee returnees targeted to receive production kits for agriculture/livestock/fishery activities
  • 1,500 Mauritanian refugee children targeted to be enrolled in primary education
  • 3,500 Mauritanian refugees targeted to receive production kits for agriculture/livestock/fishery activities
  • 400 urban households targeted to receive cash grants


  • On 29 March, a convoy of 113 Ivorian refugees who opted for a voluntary return as a durable solution received assistance to facilitate their return to Cote d’Ivoire from Sikasso region in Mali. UNHCR Mali collaborated with UNHCR Cote d’Ivoire, government authorities from both countries and partners to facilitate the voluntary return of these refugees who have been in Mali since 2002.

  • 42 protection incidents were registered in the regions of Gao, Mopti, Timbuktu, Menaka and Kidal during the month of March. The majority of incidents relate to extortion, early and forced marriage, injuries and death threats. Since January 2017, 108 incidents have been registered with the majority of incidents taking place in Gao and Timbuktu.

  • UNHCR Mali held its Country Operation Plan (COP) consultative workshop in Bamako on 15 and 16 March with staff, persons of concern, civil society and government partners to exchange ideas on key priorities and concerns in providing protection and assistance to persons of concern for the Mali operation in 2018 and 2019.