In this issue
More than 18 000 people affected by floods p.1 Average rate of malnutrition to 30% since 2010 p.2 Back to school and risk of suspension of school meals p.3 Awareness of the risks of mines p.3 Irregular migration to Mali p.4 Level of funding of the humanitarian response plan p.6
Assistance to flood victims and flood forecasts
School meals at risk of suspension due to lack of funding
Risks from mines and explosive remnants of war following the recent fighting in Kidal
Three million people at risk of food insecurity in 2017
Mali, a transit area for migrants on their way to Europe
Humanitarian needs remain significant in 2017
Assistance to victims and flood forecasts in Mali
Flood risks remain high until December 2016 for populations living along the Niger River due to the rising water level. The OPIDIN (a tool that forecasts floods in the Inner Niger Delta) indicates that this year the Niger River will experience its highest water level in fifty years. These forecasts indicate that water levels in Mopti will increase by approximately 25cm in October 2016 and will reach its peak between late October and early November in Mopti, late November in Akka (Mopti) and mid-December in Diré (Timbuktu). Livestock that usually crosses the river in Diafarabé in November in search of pasture may not be able to do so this year since the floodplains will still be covered with water next month.
Since July 2016, nearly 30 people have died as a result of floods across the country.
More than 18,000 people have been affected and 2,400 houses destroyed. Nearly 200 hectares of farms have also been flooded by rainwater.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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