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Mali: Complex Emergency Situation Report No. 29 (as of 27 March 2013)



  • Humanitarian operations continue in accessible areas of the north despite continuing insecurity due to fighting, mines and unexploded ordnance, and sporadic suicide attacks.
  • A lack of resources is hampering efforts to prevent cholera, which could re-surface in June or July. Since 2003, cholera has affected an average of 1,100 people each year.
  • As of 20 March, an estimated 282,548 people are internally displaced (IDPs) in Mali according to the Population Movement Commission (CMP) report released on 20 March. This figure does not include the 10,100 people displaced reported by NGOs in the north since the beginning of this year.
  • The Consolidated Appeal Process (CAP) for Mali is now 21.5 per cent funded. About US$88 million has been secured out of $410 million in total requirements.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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